"Life and Death"

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It was summer, everyone happy and splashing in the pools or at the beach with their families.

Rowley and Greg constantly taking trips back and forth to their bestfriend.

Rodrick constantly sitting at her bedside.
It had been 360 hours 28 minutes and 52 seconds since the accident.

No one was happy.
Greg and Rowley became friends again.

Mostly for their bestfriend.
It didn't feel the same without Anna though.

Greg and Rowley didn't go to the pool like they always did every summer, they weren't pranking the neighbors.
They barely smiled.

363 hours 12 minutes and 23 seconds

Its like time stopped when this small thing happened.

Rodricks hand in hers
As he felt it twitch.
"Anna, doll I know you can hear me. Come on, everyone wants you right now. We've all been waiting. It's time too wake up.
This is life or death"
Rodrick whispered

The rest of the family went to get doctors.

But then Rodricks thoughts slipped out like word vomit
"If you want to let go Anna, you can I won't be mad at you for letting go. I know this isn't what you want anymore. I love you more than my own life Anna. But I won't blame you for giving up."

He sniffled into her hand the tears flowing onto her hand and down her wrist

Rodrick didn't know what to do or what else to say,

until the loud beeping of her heart monitor sped up.

Everything was slow.
As if everything was slowing to a stop.

That's what Rodrick wished for at the moment. This hadn't happened before and that worried him.

Maybe his words were heard by the love of his life

She didn't want to let go for the sake of her loved ones but it was a constant battle.

Doctors pushed into the room and pushed the family out.

But Rodrick was practically frozen as people pulled him away from the sad sight.

Annabelle Roselyn Banton

The girl that suffered from anemia and a broken heart.

The girl that was stuck.

"What's happening? Rodrick?"
Greg rushed in a panic
Rodrick couldn't form words.

"What did you do?!"
"Is she dead?"
"Oh my god"

But Rodrick couldn't even stand

He fell to the hospital floor as if he had broken his legs.
But it was worse.
His entire world was crashing down.

He couldn't think.
He couldn't move.
He couldn't even see.

He wanted to believe it was a dream.

But it wasn't

"I told her it was okay to let go"
He whispered stuttering his words.
"Don't you think it's hard for her? To be stuck? If she wanted to let go! She needed to know it's okay"
"It's not okay Rodrick!"
"Look I know her. She wanted this and if she wakes up do you know how mad she'll be?"

"She didn't get her treatments for a reason right? She's gone through so much!"

The doctor walked out breaking up the fight between the family.
"We managed to keep her going, but good news she's waking up actually, and someone close to her should go in so she's not overwhelmed"

They all sighed.
Rodrick got up quickly and rushed into the room before any of them could.

He sat next to the love of his life.
"Anna I'm so sorry, I can't live without you, I just can't see you hurting and I know this isn't what you wanted I'm so sorry,"

"Rodrick?" She rasped
He nodded grabbing her hand intertwining their fingers and his lips pressed onto her knuckles

"What're you doing here?"
"I needed to see you"
He knew that this is where he had to tell her, tell her how much he loved her, how infatuated he was by the beautiful blonde infront of him.

"Anna, I love you..."
"You do?"
"Yes, very much"
"I..I love you..." she smiled

He leaned over to the smiling girl and his soft lips met hers for the first time in months.

It felt more special than they'd imagined.
Way better.
Way better than the news years kiss.

This may be the first time they'd shared such a passionate kiss but not the last.

They pulled away smiling but Rodricks quickly dropped when he remembered what his family and Anna's dad discussed.

Tears fell into Rodricks eyes.
And felt like he was being torn.

"Rodrick? What's wrong? You're scaring me."
"Im sorry Anna... but you-"
The door was opened by her dad interrupting the sad news.

Puppy Dog Eyes. {{Rodrick Heffley}}Where stories live. Discover now