Sickness and Change

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After Greg had broken Rowleys arm, got him kicked off of patrol and then Rowley and him breaking up

It put all of us in a bad situation because they're both my best friends so I had to make a decision and fast

I called Rowley "Hello?" "Hey Rowls, I need you to come over I really have to talk to you" "okay be there soon" he chirped

I then called Greg "I need you to come over A-S-A-P okay?" "Okay"

Tears stung my eyes as my nose started to bleed again

This is the 2nd time this month I'm getting sicker and my bestfriends don't even know,

I heard a knock and stood there was Greg with a smile he came in but then noticed my nose bleed "what happened did he..?" "No, just a nose bleed you know from the weather" I smiled trying to stop the Nose bleed.

I heard another knock I sighed "go sit down I'll be right back" "okay"
Rowley came in.

He walked in and seen Greg "Why is he here?" "Just please sit down"
"Don't let him talk to me" I nodded

"Guys this is ripping us apart, and if you don't make up now then I've been thinking-" tears stung my eyes

"May-maybe it would be best if I stopped being friends with the both of you, until you get your stuff straight because I-I can't be put in the middle" tears fell down

"Oh" they said I nodded

"I'm sorry guys but it's for the best for now" "So we're breaking up?" I nodded I hugged them and they left

I dragged myself to my room

My dad came in "Honey... Please just Get the treatments I can get the money, I can't lose you too" he whimpered

I started crying harder "Dad, I'm sorry but you know the answer" I put my hand on his shoulder

"Why?! Why?!" He screamed

"Because I want to die!" I yelled at him no longer sad

"Was I not a good father?" He sniffled I shook my head "you were an amazing father but everything happens for a reason Pop, I am not meant for this place" "But I've lost your mother already, I can't lose you too"

"I'm sorry dad" I sighed he left me room I sighed

Maybe before the little time I had left ran out

Maybe a change would be nice
So I took the money I had and went to the store getting less dark and emo looking clothes

Hair dye, more light makeup and some other stuff

I came home dyeing my hair To the dirty blonde color

I liked it, it wasn't my brown hair but maybe a change is good for me.

~~the next day~~

I walked alone to school today my blonde hair was curled

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I walked alone to school today my blonde hair was curled. No one even me, well they did they just thought I was new I sat in my usual spot

"That's Annabelle's seat" someone said I rolled my eyes seriously?! Did I change that much?

I looked at Quentin "really? Did I change that much?" I sighed

He was taken back "Jesus? Annabelle?!" He yelled the whole class turned to me I hated being the center of attention I heard Whistles and Hollers around the class

"Dibs!" "Dang she looks good!" Mouths were dropped and girls eyes twinkled with jealousy

By the end of the day I was the main topic of the school

I was now known around the whole school Girls everywhere were talking boys would whistle at me in the halls

So this is what it feels like to be popular? It feels good

But I realized that I still didn't have my friends by my side anymore.

Tears stung my eyes as I walked towards my house I seen Rodrick Standing on my lawn I sighed turning into my driveway

"She doesn't like cookies!" He yelled at me

"Shut up buttlick" I said smiling

He choked on his spit "so you end your friendship with your best friends, change yourself, and now you're cool?" He asked angrily

"What?" "I can't even look at you" I was confused tears stung my eyes "I-if you have a problem then you can leave" I stammered tears never leaving my eyes he looked at me

Tears in his eyes "you-you aren't the girl I know" he said walking away angrily hitting his shoulder on mine

I sighed and walked into my house I started dreadfully up my stairs my nose starting to bleed I sighed as my nose started burning severely I wiped away the pouring blood

I heard running towards me "Honey!! Great news!" My dad sings at the bottom of the stairs

"What's that dad?" "I have the money! I have it!" He cries to me

I smiled at him "keep it for yourself dad, please I don't need it" "But-" "You need that money just as much as I do" I said walking up the stairs my dad sat on the stairs silently crying

I sighed throwing my stuff down

I looked at myself in the mirror I wasn't me, this wasn't me,

I looked lifeless, dead almost

"Annabelle you have a doctors appointment tomorrow so don't be any later home than 4!" I heard my dads voice crack

I nodded even though he couldn't see me "no later than four"

I layed on my bed falling into a needed sleep

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