The whole school finds out

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I walked the halls alone and by myself to every class but today felt especially weird.

Teachers gave me sorry, sympathetic looks even the lunch ladies.

Kids stared at me even more than before I felt awkward people moved out of my way I got into 5th period where I have Rowley and Gregg in I sat behind Bryce and Rowleys new bestfriend.

Then the principal came in
"I need Annabelle Banton please" everyone turned to me my body went numb I never got in trouble

I was a straight A student I got up slowly, it felt like an eternity before I got to him

He opened the door I heard everyone go "oooooo" figuring I was in trouble.
We got into the office he moved what seemed to be a heavy binder over onto the other side where the phone and microphone was.
"So Annabelle do you know why you're here?" "No, I didn't do anything" "No, your father came to the school today letting us know that you have aplastic Anemia, and you're not getting the treatments, why is that?" I sighed

"Well because the money that my dad has saved up could be used for something more important. Something better"
"So you do not believe that you're important or his first priority?"
"I'm not, I'm just saying that maybe the money could be used for him to go on a vacation when I'm gone if that makes sense"

"Well Anna I'm gonna let you in on something My daughter she has Aplastic Anemia It kills me everyday but she wants the treatment-" "Uh sir, you must've set something on the microphone the whole school has heard about her condition" she panicked as did I.

He grabbed the microphone "I'm very sorry for the inconvenience" "you're dismissed Annabelle"

I walked down the hall tears ran down my cheeks the whole school now knew about me and it sucked

I walked into my class. Everyone looked from the board except Rowley and Gregg the stared at their books tears in their eyes

"So are you dying?" Patty asked
I ignored her but everyone started asking questions. "Shut up!" I yelled and everyone went quiet "May I please just leave?!" I asked my teacher angrily he nodded as I grabbed my stuff and ran the bell rung when I came out of the door of the school.

I'm so stupid, I should've just not answered him at all
Tears ran down my face once again as I kept walking by

I seen Rodricks Van screech past me I looked at it as he got out.
My tears didn't stop flowing though. 900 student now knew about my condition. I was gonna go crazy

I ran into my house

"What's Annabella's problem?" "I don't know and I don't care" I heard Rodrick I felt like I was getting shot in the face.
I seen Gregg running into the garage He was Gonna tell Rodrick I knew it.

I took a deep breath. I began to boil my eyes filled with angry tears I slammed over my cabinet full of pictures and snow globes I kicked a chair across the room
I flipped over my desk the pencils and pictures flying off and shattered on the ground I threw the jar of notes at the wall it shattering too I kicked my dresses multiple times

I punched the wall my fist going all the way through I broke down and started to cry when I felt someone watching me

I turned to Rodrick standing at my door he looked at my room with wide eyes

"What is wrong with you?!" He yelled

"What's wrong with me? But I'm not the one who has a reputation a sucky band! And thinks they're so punk rock and is gonna make it!" "That's not what this is about!" "Then what's it about Rodrick?" I yelled

"It's about you not telling anyone about your Anemia!" "So what?! I'm not getting the treatments! It's not happening!" "I don't care! If you want to die do it! Fine by me!" He yelled at me my heat broke and fell to the bottom of my stomach

"Get. Out" I looked at the ground tears ran down my cheeks
"What?" "Get out! Don't ever come back!" I cried "you are supposed to care! You're supposed to be there for me!" I fell to my knees so numb I didn't feel the broken glass cut into my knees

"I-I didn't mean it" "Sure you didn't" he walked over to me grabbing my hands and pulling me up "I swear I didn't mean it I was just mad" tears pricked his eyes
"I just don't want anything bad happening to you" I looked up at his both of us with tears in our eyes he pulled me into him I hugged him tightly

We stayed like that for hours
"I'm sorry" I sighed "Don't worry about it, you shouldn't be sorry I should be sorry for doing that to you, I left you and I said mean things"
I nodded I looked at him
He looked at me also the tension growing thicker
He looked down to my lips as if I didn't see him

"Can I?" He asked I nodded he wrapped his arms around my waist and slowly leaned in
As I felt his lips on mine

"Oh my god" o
I heard my dad say from behind me

Puppy Dog Eyes. {{Rodrick Heffley}}Where stories live. Discover now