New Year and Birthdays

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It was New Years Eve my birthday was on New Year's Day And Just like last year I spent it with The Heffleys. i had spent it with the heffleys every year since i knew them.

"Your birthdays in an hour" Greg commented he looked excited I smiled "Yeah" Rodrick had his hand on my knee, noticing I was nervous for my 16th birthday he gave me a smile and nodded.

Rodrick is not a nice person but he was the sweetest to me. He's mean to the people he doesn't know and I can't help but stare at his beautiful brown eyes. i had never liked anyone with brown eyes, but his chocolate eyes drew me in.

People say there's nothing Special about brown eyes but his were the sparkling kind where you can help but stare. they made me smile, dancing around with him made me realize the love i have for him.

The Heffleys started drinking and laughing, it was good to see everyone smiling, and happy. i knew that i was apart of this family.

Rodrick and I dancing around, well Rodrick dancing me around because I was still hurt from the surgery. he picked me up spinning me making me laugh, i couldn't believe him. "you look great, anna" he smiled putting his forehead to mine.

"Oh my gosh only 1 minute till New Years!" Greg yelled as we waited for the countdown my chest tightened. 10, i was about to be 16.
9, i'm dancing with my crush. 8, i'm so happy in this moment. 7, this was my family. 6, i could be fine any day. 5, im sick and not getting better. 4, i can feel myself getting sicker. 3, it's about to be a new year, new me. 2, i can barely breath, and roderick is leaning in. 1, i was in love with rodrick.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Happy New Years and happy birthday!" Everyone yelled Rodrick grabbed me and pulled me into him by my waist and kissed me

Everything stopped are time
The Heffleys cheering
The gasping
My breath
The time

"Happy New Years Annabelle" he smiled at me his smile made me melt like ice on the pavement on Fourth of July. "happy new years, rodrick"

I smiled back "Awww" I seen a camera flash "You know I hate pictures" I whined at My best friends

"It's a keeper" They smiled I rolled my eyes.

Puppy Dog Eyes. {{Rodrick Heffley}}Where stories live. Discover now