"there is no life without you"

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—4 months later—

"why are you so anxious, it's only been 4 months, honey" her aunt sighed, she hadn't actually kept contact with anyone, she was so busy getting caught up with school.
she had finally made it to her junior year, well by skipping grades.

she was shaking, and she knew it, as did her aunt.
the grey house with red trims had come into view, her dad waiting outside with a wide smile on his face, she was happy to see him. they had resolved all issues, and he was her dad again. he had become financially stable, asking her to move back in with him.

her aunt pulled to a stop, her feet wouldn't move. she looked at the house next to hers, unable to breathe. before she knew it her feet were running out of the car and into her dads arms, tears stung her eyes after months of not seeing the man who raised her, but it was quickly cut short

"oh my gosh! you must be anna!" she looked past her dad and out walks a beautiful woman with long dirty blonde, almost brown hair, and bright green eyes, almost like a field in spring.

"and you are?" anna scoffed
"oh, um- anna this is Christy. my fiancé" her dad coughed, the air was very awkward.
"oh. well i'm not calling you mom, just hope you know, christy" she smiled at her but she was sure she knew it wasn't genuine.
"well anyways, come on let's get your stuff inside" dad smiled


her room looked different, it had been painted it like a sunset, with paint splatter everywhere. it looked really dope, she had mentally noted to thank her dad.
she had been home for a few hours still not going to see the heffleys yet. she was terrified to, she had left and hadn't spoken to them since, what was she even gonna say?
"anna, you need to go see them." her dad stood in the doorway.
she was holding her moms picture, admiring her, how much she had missed this picture of her.

"i know dad. i know" anna sighed, setting it back down on my nightstand, standing up.
"i'm gonna change, and i'll go over there. i haven't spoken to them at all"
"i know" her dad closed the door.

she changed into some black shorts with a red off the shoulder shirt. she took a deep breath walking out the front door and opening the gate that connects to their yards.
she was standing at the door, reconsidering if she should knock or not. she was about to turn around but her feet wouldn't let her
'just get over yourself and do it!' her mind scolded itself.
finally knocking her knock, "one second! if it's that girl scout again, i want some thin mints!" she heard mr heffley, she giggled to herself.

the door swung open and when she met eyes with mr. heffley, his reaction was priceless
"you're not the girlscout!!" he yelled pulling her into a bone crushing hug. she laughed "i missed you too mr heffley!"

"who is it honey?- oH my god!" she gasped joining the hug, they pulled away, pulling her inside. then, greg walked down, my back to him. she finally turned around and both of them fell into eachother, tears running down their faces
"anna, i missed you! oh my- how was new york? did you like it? i missed you!"
"oh my gosh it's not the same as here. this is my home, where i belong. i missed you" she pulled away, wiping her tears away.
she looked up, and there he stood, looking at her as if he couldn't believe she was really there, like she was never gonna see him again. she felt paralyzed, and sick. she swallowed the lump in her throat.

"and plus," she looked at rodrick stepping up to the stairs, "there's no life without you." saying it more towards him than anyone and they knew that.
before she knew it, she was being tackled in a hug by rodrick, falling to the floor but she didn't care one bit. being in his arms hadn't felt so good.
"i missed you so much" he whispered
"i missed you more than you ever know" she ran her fingers through his hair, tears fell down his cheeks and on to her tear covered face.

Puppy Dog Eyes. {{Rodrick Heffley}}Where stories live. Discover now