The Reason

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I turned toward my dad "What is this?" He asked abruptly

See this is where I'd come up with some lame excuse or lie or jump out of my open window but I don't know how to feel about the last one. I knew I couldn't lie.

"The whole school dad, the whole school found out about my anemia" I sighed looking at my feet "oh my god" he said pacing back and forth "I'm going to grab some water then go to bed we'll figure it out in the morning, go stay at the Heffleys" my dad sighed grabbing the bridge of his nose I grabbed some clothes and walked to the Heffleys house

The household stared me down with sad eyes.
"Hello Anna" Mr Heffley smiled sadly when I looked over the kitchen table

"Hi Mr Heffley" I said sadly walking up the stairs into the attic where Rodrick practically lives
"Annabelle please get the treatments" he sighed grabbing my hand my breath hitched in my throat. I looked at the love of my life's eyes. They looked full of regret, guilt, sadness, and tears.

My chest tightened.
"I don't know" I sighed "Please!" He said over and over again he got on his knees infront of me, tears running down his face.
I got down with him on the ground holding his face in my hands. "Rodrick I love you, I do but what if I make the decision to get them and it's the wrong decision?"  He sighed "It won't be Anna I promise" he grabbed my face too looking me in the eyes

"I love you" he said putting his forehead on mine "I love you too" tears slipped down my cheeks as I slowly started falling asleep

"You're mine" were the last words I heard before falling into a needed sleep in Rodricks arms

Puppy Dog Eyes. {{Rodrick Heffley}}Where stories live. Discover now