Scard stright !!!!!

20 0 0

Jade's pov

Ari: :?

Chloe: :?

James: I think I am going to go sit in the car !!......

...... Behind the door

Harry: :? WTF!!!!

Jade: :!

Silence hit the room for what sneed like forever

Ari: oh my god your..r.r pregers

Chloe: WOW with who

Jade: that's what I need to talk you about

Yea that worked right

Chloe: ok .....

Harry: :?

Just then I got a call Carly from


C: hey where are you

J: umm home

C: Kk well get your over night bag your going to Hawaii for a vogue photo shote I am just tiring up now you have like 30 mins to catch your flight lets go lets go

Ari: you ok who was it

Jade: Carly I got to go Hawaii a vogue photo shote

Chloe: but what about everything ....

Jade: when I get back promise Chloe I just want to say that I was wrong for Judging you actually you and James make a beautiful couple I mean come on you joe for crying out loud

Chloe: thanks j ( as she whipped a fake Tera away from her cheek

Jade: now I g2g

As I ran in to my room grabbed my over night bag hugest them and ran out the door and BTW Ariana has a spare key I knew she would lock up

I texted Carly saying I would be no more than 3 mins because I had a plan

I was going to convince Harry to come with me and then I would fuck him and pray he got me pregers so I would have not had to lie to them like that and BTW I do feel guilty about that very guilty you just don't know it because I am a very good actress anyways I knocked on Harry's door

Bang bang bang Harry opened it

His face was pail like really really pail I thought he was going to puke right then and there

Jade: hey can I come in

Harry: ummm ....... Yea

Jade: nice place it's cleaner than I expected

Harry: umm

Like he had something in his mouth

Jade: so your on vaca from all you touring right

Harry: ( he just noded his head )

Jade: well I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to Hawaii my treat

Harry's pov

She asked me to go to Hawaii with her

Ok she just stood there and smiled all sweet like and ok maybe going with her would bring us closer I mean I am not letting her raise this child by herself only a complete asshole would do that so I swolled the lump in my throte and...


Harry: yea sounds like fun Ill get my bags



Jade's pov

Wow that was easy ..hmmm maybe a little to easy but oh well I got him to go right..........

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