Reality hits jade in the face!!!

18 1 0

Jade's pov

I finished look at guys like a perv

When I had this really bad stomach pains I have ever had like gut ranching pains I was about to puke

after 6 mins of puking I stud up and almost fell to the floor I just sat there for a bit thinking I cheeked the pills I took it I cheeked my phone to see what the time was but when I looked on my phone it was Monday but Waite me and Harry did it Saturday but I remember that I took Thursdays pill just not Friday or Saturday FUCK!! I need a pregnacy test and I need it


Chloe's pov

I herd the door open and then I woke up oh thank good it was just dream turned over and saw my phone I looked throught to find 15 missed calls from jade and on voice mail saying Chloe or you ok you said you needed help what is it !!!! Call me back !!!!!

Omg just like my dream oh no I might be sleep walking again expect this time sleep calling !!!!!

Harry's pov

I walk in to find jade on the floor?!??!!

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