Forget her!!!

20 1 1

Jade's pov

I am in the kitchen putting away the left over pizza that me an ari had and I hear a knock at the door it must have be Chloe

Jade: coming one sec ..... God Chloe you would never believe what happened to me today ( as I open the door to find ) oh hi

Harry: hi I'm Harry

Jade: hi jade

I don't know why we were introducing each other i mean he was Harry styles 1/5 of one direction and I was a supper model I think we know each other

Harry: I was wondering If you hade any milk it's my friend Niall he wants

Cereal and I don't have any milk

Jade: yea yea no prob let me see come in if you want

He walks in

Harry: you have an amazing home !!

Jade: thanks

As she grabs the milk and goes to pass it to him

Jade: here you go is this alright

Harry: oh yea thanks that's great we'll it was nice to finally meet you

Jade: you to

Just then Chloe walks in ......

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