Part 7

18 1 0

Dan's pov

So I found my self sitting with this super model on a Friday night like really me 1/3 of m.a.d an up and coming band that you should go look for cause we are amazing anyways this girl is so smart and funny and a little sad

Dan: so are you ok

Chloe: yea I'm fine

Dan: I here'd you and your boyfriend had a really bad break up

Chloe: EX boyfriend and yea we did but I have stopes thinking about that and started thinking about something els something better

And the night continued

Jade's pov

I am ready and perfect I hope this is me and Harry's first date I mean come on its making me really really nervous

Anyway this is what i am wearing I just can't wait

Harry's pov

I am really very nervous and ready for this date it will be a night to remember.............

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