Pop ups and wow didnt see that coming

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Jade's pov

So the taxi dropped me and Harry off at our building and as soon as I step out I see this hot mess of a girl kind of crying but still a bit happy with just a hint of angry right there in front of me

Jade: Chloe

Chloe: YOUR HOME!!!!!! (As she ran and gave my this massive bear hug)

Jade: yea you ok

Chloe: no not really (and then she kind of looked behinds me to see who els was in the cabe / she whispered it to me ) that's Harry styles

Jade: I know that !!

Chloe: (then she just looked at me)

Jade: long story !!!!!!!!

Chloe: (she pushed me aside) hi I'm Chloe !!!

Harry: hello I am Harry nice to meet you!!!! ( and then he kissed her hand like a gentleman)

Chloe: ( she turned her towards me) oh I like this one!!!!

Jade: I know me to !!! (Harry and I just looked at each other if was magical!)

Harry: I'll take your bags up !!

Jade: thxxs

Jade: now Chloe what's up with you

Chloe: Well

She told me the whole story

Jade: I told you he was no good

Chloe: I know you were right

To Be Continued

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