A bit about joe

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If you put James and Chloe you get joe I think idk .....

Chloe's pov

So I am stuck in a room with Ariana I just wanted to slap her again but I know I had too get along with her for jade

Chloe: I wonder who the father is

Ari: I don't know could be anyone but I have a feeling it might be her ex boyfriend

Jade's ex is Logan Lermam you know the guy who play's Percy Jackson he is way cute Selena Gomez had a major thing for him major

Chloe: really wow

Ari: but it still could be anyone

Chloe: yea..... Well I better go I have a hungry boy in the car bye

Ari: bye

Me and James have know each other forever he was my brothers best friend growing up I had the most major crush on him and still do clearly he would be over everyday until one at when my brother and him had a massive fight and then next day he got signed to busted and we never saw he again I knew my brother hated him self for getting in to the fight I have no clue what it was about still to this day and when I asked he pissy so best not talk about it ...........

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