Part 8

17 1 0

Harry's pov

I had 5 mins before I would be late for jades and I date and I thought I looked ready


I had everything I was ready tonight was the night nothing could go wrong

Chloe's pov

Chloe: I have had such a good time Dan

Dan: me to that's why I thought we could do it again

Chloe: Dan do you know how old I am

Dan: 20

Chloe: and you are 17 there's just

Dan: but you dated a guy that was 30

Chloe: yea and that might have just been the second most bad decision I have ever made

Dan: what was your first

Chloe: saying no to you but I know ad you know it would just not work I'm really sorry that's it has to be this way

Dan: it's fine can we still be friends?

Chloe: I was really hoping

And we just stood there smiling for a bit until I got into my cab and said good bye to him.

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