Bath time!!!!xxxx

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James pov

Me and Chloe just got out of a VERY VERY NICE BATH and let me tell you it was a hole lot of fun and when I mean fun i mean epic mind blowing fun and the fun still continue now it's off to bed!!!!!!!!!

Jade's pov

So we got on the plain we hadn't said anything to each other I tried but the conversation didn't last long I don't know how I am going to get him to bang me if he doesn't talk to me I guess I have to use my powers

Harry's pov

I want to talk to jade but I don't know what about .......

Ariana's pov

I wonder if it would be a boy or a girl I hope girl cause then I can dress her up in pretty pink clothes ....

Chloe's pov

Ahuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu don't stop ahgughuhuuuuuJAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!


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