Pop ups and wow didnt see that coming part 3

18 1 0

Chloe's pov

Jade was on the phone with somebody

But I didn't hear who was just sitting there stuck with my jaw open I had no words there was no word in the English dictionary , no words in the world wait no no words in the universe that you or me or anyone could use to sum up or just have a glimpse Of how I am feeling or what I am feeling it all is just so messed up

Ari's pov

So jade calls me up saying that we need your help and knowing that voice it was about a boy and I knew just what to do !!!!!!

Jade's pov

Jade: Chloe (I grabbed her shoulders witch were really boney Well she is a model anyways I shook her until she came back which was about a min an a half I counted )

Chloe: yea yea

Jade: you ok

Chloe:(she turned and looked at me) NO :'(

Jade: aww come here ( we went in for a hug ) goo thing I have the perfect plan

Chloe: what

Jade: your bday is coming up in 3 days right

Chloe: yea (pulling back her tears)

Jade: you are going to be 21 let's make it a night that some certain people won't forget

Right then some one burst opened the door

Ari: alright let's show this jerk who's who !!!!!!!

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