Be jelly part 2!!!cxxx

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Chloe's pov

So beau is coming over tonight and I'm really exited!!!!!! But I wonder what Michael is doing :( no no I don't!!

(Knock , knock )

Chloe: Coming ..

Chloe: hey beau...... MICHAEL!!!!!

Michael: h..I can i come in please

Chloe: umm I don't think that's the best idea....

Michael: please I really need to talk to you..!

Chloe: for a few minutes

As Michael walks in I smell his body spray I miss that smell .... No no Chloe you don't get over it ..!!!!

We walk over I the couch Michael sits and opens his mouth but nothing comes out looks like I'm going to have I start !!

Chloe: so what do you want to talk to me about .!!!

Michael: I really really like you no scratch that I think I'm in love with you and I have no clue why I ever went out with that other girl she meant nothing to me please say some thing ...

I just say there in silence

Chloe: Michael I ..........

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