sudden death!!!!!!

23 1 1

jade's pov 

we got hpme from the party last night and i still feel like me and chloe are still on rocky grounds. Anyways me and harry are going to go to our very first ultarsound together i am exited.

5 hours later 

harry: you exited 

jade: yea i guess ( looking at my knees ) juss..t nervouse 

harry: well your not alone ( grabbing my hand) 

jade: (i smiled at him)

next pls (they called for us 

doc: well hello who are we doing to day 

harry: good you (shaking the docs hand)

i just smiled i was just to nervouse to speak 

 well lets see as he dos eall the doctor stuff to my stomach 

doc: well oh oh.. oh 

jade what what is it ................???????????????..............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (as harry trys to calm me down)

doc: did oy ugo to the doctors to confrim you were pregnat 

herry: no we just used the pegancy test 

doc: well i think you should have......

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