Part 11

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Chloe's pov

So Brit was about to tell us something that sounded important and then walks in a really cute guy

(Jade stands up and moves to the really cute guy)

Jade: (looks at Harry and and then back at the girls ) me and Harry are getting Married

Ari: :O

Chloe: :O

Ari: :O

Chloe: :O

Ari : ummm

Chloe: snhhskis (she just chocked)

Jade: I know it's soon but

Ari: ummm

Chloe: r u crazy how long have you been seeing each other

Jade: a short period if time but

Ari: but what this has just happens to fast

Chloe: and.......

Jade: Harry's the father !!!!!!

Ari: :O

Chloe: :O

Ari: :O

Chloe: :O


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