Pop ups and wow disnt see that coming part 6

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Chloe's pov

So I am sitting in the restaurant waiting for this blind date which I think is a very bad idea I just don't feel like I'm ready for it so soon

Waiter: would you like to order

Chloe: um I think I'll Waite a another 5 and then I'll order

Waiter: alright would you a least like a drink

Chloe: um yes I'll have a red wine thank you

Waiter: ok I'll be back shortly with your drink

As he walks off with his no one is going to show up happy face I sulk a little bit ...... Ok a lot I sulked a lot just then this really fit boy walks in and then he comes closer and closer and speaks

Dan: hi do you know where the toilet is

Chloe: (me in shock) down there to the right

Dan: cheers

And he walks off and the waiter comes with my drink well u did order it i might as well have it right

Waiter: rest to order

Dan: yea I say we are

And he smiles at me and then sits down and the waiters face went from I know no one is going to come happy face to shocked yet saw it coming to then nice job girl

Waiter: I'll be back with your menus

One min ok

Dan: (we chuckle a bit ) hi I'm Dan

Chloe: Chloe nice to meet you


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