6: How To Break A Parabatai Bond

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"Clary! Clary, what is happening!?" Alec was frantic, it was the opposite of darkness everywhere was white, he couldn't see Izzy or Clary-- Or anything else. 

"Alec, it's fine. Right now, everything should be white. That's how I made the rune." Clary's voice was soothing but as he closed his eyes and started walking to where Clary's voice was coming from, he felt himself walk into someone.

"Clary, is that you?" As if to answer his question, Alec opened his eyes and was face to face with Jace. Jace smirked and walked around behind Alec. Jace grabbed Alec's neck and pulled it towards him and whispered in his ear,

"Hello, brother." Jace pushed Alec forward and spun him around. "I was wondering if you knew if the others could see us?" Before Alec could answer, Clary appeared.

"Isabelle cannot see us, for I have not runed her with this mark that I have created. It sends ShadowHunters like yourselves to a dimension that is completely and always white, with nothing else. As long as both of you are here, or back in the real world, you will both be Parabatai . But if Alec was to come with me, back into reality, then your bond would be broken. Now, which of you to bring back with me? I know! Both of you close your eyes, if I touch you on the shoulder, do not open your eyes, instead give me your left wrist. If I do not touch you at all, well... I don't really care what happens to you." 

Alec nodded and Jace looked apprehensive. 

"Now, close your eyes Jace. No peeking!" 

Jace felt a touch on his shoulder. He thrust his left wrist out. Nothing. 

Alec felt a touch on his shoulder next, he slowly drew his left wrist up, just as Clary whispered in his ear,

"Open your eyes, Alec." 

Alec did so and saw Clary smiling and holding her Stele. She drew a quick rune on his arm. As soon as the rune was complete, everything seemed to swirl back into existence. Alec saw Izzy checking that weird new app on her phone, Facebook, isn't it? Alec ran over and hugged her sister so tightly that she could barely speak. Clary started to clean up her best friend's room but was interrupted when Alec walked over and put his arms around Clary's waist. Clary turned around and put her arms on his shoulders. She pulled him closer to her so that their lips met. It was a sorrowful kiss, Alec had lost his Parabatai and Clary had lost the second love of her life. Even though Jace went crazy, they were mourning the man he used to be. Suddenly, Alec drew away,

"Clary, did you really break the parabatai bond?" 

Clary shook her head.

"I didn't break it. But-- Nevermind." 

Alec looked down at her,

"Clary, you need to tell me the truth."

Clary sighed.

"Jace broke you parabatai bond, not me."

Clary and Alec, A Shadowhunters FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now