13: Pregnancy and Australia

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"Are you sure you're pregnant? I mean, really. I don't trust Brother Erich. Like, a silent brother can't be that normal, can't they?" Isabelle exclaimed. She signalled another silent brother while Alec stood frozen. The silent brother that was walking towards them turned out to be Brother Erich. "Uhh... Can you run another pregnancy test. Please." The silent brother nodded and beckoned for them to follow.

Everyone walked out of the room where Brother Erich showed everyone that Clary was pregnant. Alec, Simon and Isabelle all looked at an exasperated Clary. Alec's eyes welled up, though Clary didn't know if it was out of Joy or Fear. He ran at Clary and hugged her.
"Alec... Can't... Breathe..." Alec let go of Clary and laughed. Clary pulled Alec's mouth down to hers. Clary felt a tap at her shoulder as Isabelle cleared her throat.
"Sorry to break up this touching moment, but I have two things to say. 1) Isabelle and I better be the bloody godparents and 2)--" Simon was cut off by Alec, who let out a whoop of laughter.
"Wait, shadow hunters have godparents?" Everyone laughed at Clary's comment. Simon stopped laughing and continued his sentence.
"And 2) shouldn't we get back to the institute and put it on lockdown so that Jace can't get in?" Laughter died on Clary's lips as the four looked at each other and ran for the car.

"Wait, wouldn't the institute be the first place Jace looked?" Clary puffed as she tried to keep up with Alec, Simon and Isabelle's long strides. Clary  couldn't run anymore, there was a disgusting taste in her mouth, it tasted a lot like-- Clary doubled over,vomiting all of the contents in her stomach up. Clary suddenly felt extremely lightheaded and could only hear Alec screaming her name as she collapsed.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Clary woke up expecting Izzy, Alec or Simon. Instead, there sat Luke. He looked up from his book and chuckled.

"Alec isn't going to like this." Clary furrowed her eyebrows, "Alec left this room for the first time in 34 hours around 47 seconds ago."

"Where am I?' Clary spoke weakly. She drew one of the curtains back to see water. All water. No land. At all. 

"Clary, let's just say that we are on a private house in Sydney, Australia. Everyone that knows your location is here with us. We have tracking blockers all over the house and all over everyone." Luke was back to reading his book, it read Scarecrow: Matthew Reilly Clary sat in silence.

"Australia?" Clary broke the very short lasting silence. Luke looked up, smiled and nodded.Clary stood up to see that she was still in her clothes that she went to see Jace trial in. Everything she wore was red, but she didn't know if it was made like that, or her blood had stained it.


Alec hurtled down the hallway and into the kitchen. He grabbed some food for himself and some for Clary when she woke up. He wanted Clary to wake up so badly, but was dreading having to tell her. No, he couldn't tell her. He wouldn't. It will shatter us both he thought. After Alec scooped up as much food as possible, he marched back to Clary's room, bracing himself from Clary's reaction, once again.


The door flew open and there stood a wild eyed Alec. He dropped everything he was holding and threw himself onto her. He tucked an escaping strand of hair coming out of her bun behind her ear. Alec kissed Clary's neck, forehead, cheek, nose and ear. Clary opened her eyes to see a grinning Alec and Luke shaking his head and smiling as he left the room. Alec pulled Clary to her feet and looked sincerely in her eyes.

"I need to tell you something." Here we go. Alec swallowed. Hard.


"I'm so happy that this place only has three bedrooms." Isabelle whispered in Simon's ear. She dragged him by the collar into their bedroom. She pushed Simon onto the bed and laid down next to him on her stomach. She trailed up his chest with her fingers and swung herself over the top of him. 

"I'm also happy that this bed is a single" Here we go.  He thought. Simon swallowed. Hard.

A/N: Hey guys, I know I've been slacking off but school just started back up again. If you don't know where Sydney is, then I'll tell you, that's where I live. Anyways, please leave a comment saying what you think Alec is about to tell Clary. Thank you so much everyone, I'll probably be updating on the 4th of February at around 2:00pm in Australian time. It will be about midnight in America. See ya! ~ Brooklyn 

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