12: Breaking News

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Clary and Alec walked out of a completely destroyed room. Clary smiled up at Alec. Alec returned it. As they walked around the corner they saw Isabelle pressed up against the wall with Simon kissing the crook of her neck. When Isabelle saw them, she whispered in Simon's ear and he bolted up straight. Everyone laughed hysterically.
"So... How was it?" Simon said, barely able to contain his laughter. Alec looked at Clary and bit his lip.
"Just take a look at the room!" Alec roared.
"I'll be back." Clary announced as she ran around the corner. The other three stared after her but shrugged it off.
"Why don't we take a look of that room, huh?" Simon said, dragging Isabelle after him. Alec trailed behind them thinking about what just happened.
"Did Clary get her Memories back?" Isabelle shouted from a few metres in front.
"Don't know. Haven't asked." Alec shrugged. Clary came running from around the corner shouting something Alec couldn't make out.
"They're back! They're back! Alec, my memories! They're back!" Clary threw herself onto Alec and kissed him frantically.
"Clary, this is amazing!" They hugged. A shadow hunter passed by them.
"Any news on Jace Herondale?" Alec asked them. Clary remembered him as Raj.
"Yes, he's been taken to the silent city, at the moment, he's locked up in a cell, but his trial is tomorrow. He will also be tested with the Mortal Sword." Alec nodded and thanked Raj.
"Do you feel like going to that trial?" Clary smiled and nodded. Clary and Alec ran to catch up with Simon and Izzy. And found them in the room.
"Well you two made a catastrophic mess!" Simon yelled. Everyone laughed. Alec and Clary explained the situation with Jace and his trial. They all agreed to going.

The next day...

"...You ready?" Alec looked at Clary. She nodded and went to check on Simon and Isabelle's room. They knocked and heard scrambling behind the door. Clary laughed as the door opened.
"We are ready to go." Isabelle exclaimed.
"Good, because the silent brothers are here." Isabelle shivered. The carriage ride there was pleasant enough, except the silent brother driving them kept on butting in on their conversation with expressions like; 'OMG, No! He didn't! That is cold.' Clary vowed to herself to always speak to Brother Erich just because of the conversation that they just had. As they arrived, they saw Jace, kneeling on the ground and holding the mortal sword with the speaking stars around him. A silent brother stood on each star as the inquisitor sat in his chair very comfortably. He began asking questions about Clary, Alec, Isabelle and Simon. Jace answered all of these perfectly. Afterwards, he was sentenced to 15 years in the silent city and an AVO against Isabelle, Alec and Simon for 25 years and another AVO against Clary for 50. Isabelle, Simon, Alec and Clary hugged. They won. After a few moments Clary disappeared. As they all turned around they saw Clary talking to Brother Erich and then they disappeared around the corner. The three were about to go after her but the inquisitor came over and started talking to them. By the time the inquisitor walked away, Clary had returned, she grabbed Alec by the arm and yanked him away from a kissing Simon and Isabelle.
"Bad news or good news first?" Clary asked.
"Good." Clary Sighed.
"The good news is, I'm pregnant. The bad news is, Jace escaped the silent city, and he knows about the baby. He's coming for him. Or her." Alec's mouth gaped open.

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