22: Shame and Defeat

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I have received so much support from so many people. This story will continue for as long as I have people like you that support my work. Thank you!

Magnus dropped to his knees with Simon's hand on his shoulder, ready to push him if he made any sudden movements. Magnus felt defeated; foolish almost. In doing this stunt, he had watched Alec fall unconscious,  and he couldn't even go through the barrier to help him. That's all he wanted; to have Alec back. But he'd ruined that, that innocence that Alexander brought out in him. It died alongside him. Now, he had to make it up. He didn't know how, but he would.


"WHERE'S THE FUCKING STELE!?" Clary was wailing at the top of her lungs, they needed to get Alec some real medical attention. Luke came running around the corner, supplies in hand. 

"Here we have a stele, bandages, tape,  medication aaaaaand some scissors." Clary began cutting strips of the bandages and winding them around Alec's body; securing them with tape... lots of tape. She afterwards drew multiple iratzes and began to dissolve oxycodone in a glass of water. She waited with him for what seemed like hours but instead was probably 10 minutes. Clary checked his pulse, weak but still there. Wait, no. It was fading. Clary climbed up on top of Alec and began to perform CPR. His pulse strengthened. She breathed a sigh of relief. She could faintly see Simon still holding Magnus at his knees and Isabelle with Jocelyn and Luke distracting Jace. Clary slowly walked outside to tell Isabelle she could watch Alec. As soon as she stepped outside, Jace pounced on her. Pinning her to the ground. 

"Isabelle, your watch." Isabelle nodded and swiftly walked inside. Jace let Clary up and led her to the edge of the barrier. 

"You son of a bitch! You WILL undo this barrier, RIGHT NOW!" Simon was now screaming at Magnus, who was chanting in a demon language. As the transparent red barrier fizzled between everyone, Clary collapsed on the floor.

"Ah FUCK! It HURTS, it HURTS!" Clary was rocking herself and crying, however, Magnus was still not finished chanting. Simon was ordering Magnus to tell what he did to Clary. Out of nowhere, the front door opened with Isabelle in full armour with someone at her side. Clary couldn't tell who it was, as her vision was slowly rippling away from her. Clary lay her head on the ground and shut her eyes.


Clary woke up to 7 people crowding and a really small bed around her. She saw Izzy, Simon, Luke, Jocelyn, Magnus and Jace (huh?), and then her jaw dropped. Alec. She stood up and winced at the pain in her lower stomach. She had hugged him so tight that he had to tell her to let go.

"I love you." Alec stated. He wasn't even shaken from his earlier encounter. 

"I love you too." Clary said with tears in her eyes.

"I think this little guy loves you both." Alec and Clary looked towards Isabelle, who lead them to a small bed. Inside it was a little baby boy, giggling up at the two of them. "Magnus reversed it. The spell, baby, death thing I mean." Clary was really crying this time. This was her son. And it was because of all of this drama with Jace and Magnus that it happened, that Clary and Alec had come together. Clary picked him up,

"What shall we name him?" Clary asked Alec. He whispered in her ear. "I like that." She stated.

"Everyone, meet Henry Matthew Lightwood." (TID references peoples) Everyone cheered while Magnus and Jace slipped the room. Clary saw Magnus making a portal and the two of them stepping through it.


Or was it?

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