15: Secrets and Heartbreak

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"Clary, are you going to say something, or are you going to stand there with your mouth hanging open? If you don't close your mouth, there are going to be flies living in there." Alec ran his hand through Clary's hair. Clary grabbed his wrist and pushed it down.

"You couldn't have let me be happy, could you! Not for a moment! I was happy about this baby! And you ruined it! Because of you, I'm never going to be able to see the face of my child!" Tears streamed down Clary's face.

"Clary, you have to believe me when I say that this isn't my fault, Magnus-"

"I don't want to hear your bullshit, Alec. Just leave." Alec's eyes looked glassy as he hung his head and tip-toed out of the room, petrified that if he stepped too loudly, Clary would lash out. Alec gently closed the door. Silence. Clary curled up into a ball and cried herself to sleep.


"That was amazing." Simon patted the dressing table for his glasses. Isabelle sat up straight with the sheets tangled around her, she smiled and bent her head over Simon's. Her long raven hair sealed them from the eyes of anyone who decided to barge in. Isabelle gently kissed Simon on the forehead and picked her bra and underwear up and put them on. A soft knock at the door made Isabelle and Simon rush around getting dressed. Simon only finished pulling his jumper on as ALec entered the room. 

"Hey, bro." Simon awkwardly patted  Alec's shoulder which Alec shrugged off. 

"Alec, what is it? You look like the Devil stole your soul." Isabelle teased, emerging from the bathroom. Alec started to shed tears. Simon was taken aback; Alec could cry? Isabelle flung herself onto her older brother. 

"I-It's Clary, Izzy. M-Magnus--" Alec winced as a sound of shattering glass pierced the air. Simon, Alec and Isabelle rushed to where the sound was coming from. As Alec slid around the corner to see Clary holding a jagged piece of glass that was cutting into her hand. Alec also saw tiny specs of red spattered all across Clary's arms, Legs and face. 

"Clary, you need an iratze . Put the glass down." Alec pleaded. Clary glared at him and slowly put the glass down. She started to cry.

"Why should you be allowed to have this baby?! Why would you say that I'm dead!? Why would you say that?!" Isabelle and SImon slowly creeped around the corner behind Alec, although he couldn't see them.

"Clary, that's not exactly what I said. I'll explain again; I got a fire message from someone and it was signed at the top saying 'From MB' in the fire message, it said that whoever sent this, had cast a spell that made sure that your life depended on the baby growing inside of you, at Jace's trial. It then said that they killed you and that was why you were unconscious afterwards. So when the baby is born, you will... Die." Clary sank to the ground with her head in her hands.

"What!?" Simon roared, "You're telling me, that my best friend is going to die in 8 months 2 weeks and 3 days!?!?" Alec looked to the ground. Isabelle still couldn't shape words.

"Alec, come here." Clary muttered. Alec slowly walked over to Clary and sat down on the ground next to her. "I'm sorry for not believing you. I feel like the fucking worst girlfriend ever." Alec shook his head and smiled. He mumbled something, stood up and pulled Clary to her feet.

"It's going to be fine." He pulled Clary into an embrace, "We'll get through this."  

Luke came barreling down the hall way with Jocelyn on his arm.

"Clary we may have a solution." He handed her an envelope.

Clary and Alec, A Shadowhunters FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now