Phone battery

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Hinata is that type who always make sure his phone have full battery no matter what.

Kageyama is that type who watches as the phone battery used up until there's only 2% left and would curse it when it dies even if he knew that would happen.

I'm like Kageyama (ノ´∀`*)

And now its my shameless self promo time xD
I'm working on few fanfics lately and this is going to be published soon! :3

And now its my shameless self promo time xDI'm working on few fanfics lately and this is going to be published soon! :3

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Its Tsukkiyama!! XD
And its a one shot songfic :3
So be sure to read it! XD

And I'm sorry cause the cover is simple but simple is nice hahah xD

Update: This wad supposed to be published like half an hour ago but somehow Wattpad ate it again
( ̄ー ̄)ニヤリ

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