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- Iwaoi getting an apartment together after they graduate even if they went to different university they still see each other everyday

- Oiks pretended they don't have much money to buy furnitures

- A same place just for two of them

- Couch for two, small television, table for two literally everything for just the two of them

- "Iwa-chan, we can only afford one bed" ;)))

- so yeah a bed for two (and both of them love it)

- kisses and cuddles on bed and ;))

- Iwaizumi special breakfast - full of love af

- photographs of them since young hanging on their wall

- and of course sharing the bathroom together every morning ;))

  "Iwa-chan let's bath together!"

  "What the hell no" *secretly likes it very much*

  "I know u love it Iwa-chan~"

- spending Sundays together watching E.T.  and Godzilla

- Oikawa not allowed in the kitchen cause he burnt the pan once

- one closest for both of them because "no money"

- they like to wear each other's shirt

- "Iwa-chan u didn't grow taller"

  "Shut up Shittykawa I have something that's longer than yours"

  " Really?~"

  "I know u love it"


Too much Iwaoi for you? Can't handle it?

I'm sorry ;_;

I love them too much I can't stop myself

I promise the next chapter will be something else, at least I'll try lmao

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