Road trip!

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- Bokuaka Kuroken road trip!

- Kuroo drive while Bokuto sitting next to him looking at the map and Kenma playing his psp at the back seat with Akaashi

- Country music to bring up the spirits
  --by Kuroo

- "Kuroo pay attention on driving"
  "Don't worry kitty I got it all in my       control"
  "bRo watch OuT-"

- they're fine they're fine

- "Bro are you sure we're on the right track?"
  "Of course! Why ya ask that?"
  "If we go any further we'll drop down the cliff"
  "Oh shit wait.... I think the map is upside down..."
Akaashi and Kenma are so done with this shit

- they ended up using GPS instead and Akaashi's driving while Kenma check on the GPS two bros got kicked to the backseats


- "Did you guys booked the hotel?"
  "Please tell me you did Bokuto-san"
  "Well actually about that well uhh we sorta got too excited and forgotten about it...."

(Hotel? Trivago.) oh shit i need to stop this

- ended up camping on hill

- starry night beautiful af

-and also pick-up lines...
  "Hey the stars are so beautiful kitty and you know what's even beautiful than that?"
  "Kuroo no."
  "Okay I'm so done- wait what?" o///o

- Maybe not the best road trip but Akaashi and Kenma lowkey loves it and Kuroo and Bokuto knows it heh


i should go on one with my friends someday haha :3

Btw if you're wondering about the Hotel? Trivago. thing its an advertisement that shows on the TV EVERY SINGLE TIME

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