School trip

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*Akaashi's class went on school trip*

Friend: Hey Akaashi! Look there's an owl on that tree! Aww how cute!

Akaashi: *in mind* Owl? Bokuto-san? OMg tbh I miss him I should have gone to practice for a while before I left oh gosh will he be okay? Wat if he's in one of his emo mode again? Will they be able to deal with that? OMg and I miss him too...

Friend: uh... Akaashi? *Swings hand in front of Akaashi's eyes*

Akaashi: uh yeah?

Friend: you're spacing out... Are you okay?

Another friend: he's probably thinking about his boyfriend

Friend: oh the volleyball club captain?

Another friend: yeah for some reason he kinda looks like an owl

Friend: ...hey Akaashi's spacing out again...

Another friend: ......

I strongly believe that Akaashi is always thinking about Bokuto even tho he manage to hide it very well AHAHA

Idk if today's Bokuaka day or nah cause it 4/5

Oh well I found this and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT

Happy Bokuaka day! XDDDDD

Andd its Shirabu's birthday as well!!

Happy birthday ya salty bby <3

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