Funfair ride

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Lev and Yaku went to a funfair nearby for their date...

Lev: Yaku-san let's ride that!

Yaku: No u go urself

Lev: well then how about that

Yaku: uhh no

Yaku: okay let's ride that

Lev: I dun wanna Yaku-san :(

After 10 minutes they finally decided which ride to go...

Lev: This is gonna be fun!

Yaku: yeah

*Walks to the entrance of the ride*

Worker: I'm sorry sir you're too tall to ride this

Lev: wat-  :'(

Yaku: *snorts* well then I'll just go on myself bye Lev

Worker: I'm so sorry to you too sir, you're uh not tall enough for this ride

Lev: AHAHAHHAHAHA Yaku-san is too short

Yaku: Lev I s2g if u don't shut up

Lev: I'm sorry!!

Smol bonus:
Yaku: you know wat, let's just go home and watch movies

Lev: yeah let's go *holds Yaku's hand*

I laughed xD I'm so bad and ruined their date whoops

Check this out AHAHA xD

Kenma: Kuroo pls

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