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And so I was tagged by OikawaTheAlienKing

1. What's your ethnicity?

2. When's the last time you cried?
Last week I guess when I rewatch Haikyuu season 3 last episode

3. When's your birthday?
8th May (It was the same day as mother's day last year oml xD)

4. If you were another person would you be friends with yourself?
Hmm i don't really know, I can't communicate well ;_;

5. Do you use a lot of sarcasm?
I'm a nice person okay heh

6. Would you bungee jump?
Hell no

7. What's your favorite cereal?
I don't really eat cereal heh

8. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Their eyes

9. What's your eye color?

10. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings cause I'm a Disney fan lmao

11. What's your favorite smell?
Lavender probably

12. Winter or summer

13. Computer or television?

14. Where's the furthest you've been from home?

15. Any special talents?
Uh I can play guitar... Is that special?

16. Where are you born?
In a hospital duh (≧▽≦)

17. Do you have any hobbies?
Reading books and fanfics, listening to music

18. Do you have any pets?
No ;_;

19. Favorite movie?
Kimi no na wa

20. Do you have any siblings?
A little sis (๑´ڡ'๑)

21. What do you want to be when you grow up?
A dentist :3

I'm not tagging anyone but if ya wanna do it you can do so too cause its fun xD

And school just started for me so I'll be really busy these days ;_; so I won't post much fanfics but this book will keep going to show that I'm still alive xD

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