Some fluffy scenarios

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- Kageyama waking up in the middle of the night because of a nightmare and breathing heavily while shaking. Hinata then pulled him down and wrapped his arms around Kageyama while saying "I'm here, dumbass, don't worry" Kageyama calm down and hugged Hinata tightly and went back to sleep

- Daichi feeling all stressed out and worried about college stuffs and Suga make him lay down on his lap and gently massages Diachi's head and giving him a warm smile. That makes all the stresses go away.

- On Kuroo's bad days, Kenma will put down his psp (which is really really rare for him to do so) and snuggles Kuroo while asking him what happened or sometimes if Kuroo doesn't want to talk about it he'll just rubs his face on Kuroo's chest. Its warm.

- Sudden warm hugs from Iwaizumi when they watch either Godzilla movie or Aliens ones and Iwaizumi would want Oikawa to tell him his ridiculous ideas or stories again. Iwaizumi just love hearing Oikawa's voice even if he doesn't want to admit it. Oikawa will sometimes sings some chessy love songs to Iwaizumi softly which he thinks that represent their love while hugging Iwaizumi on his bad days. Iwaizumi can't deny how much he love that.

Some fluffy stuffs to warm ur heart :3

I'm sorry that I can't really reply to ur messages now cause I'm having problem with my internet arghhh but at least I still can update my story which is still not that bad

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