Swag (part 2)

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Another usual day of practice for Aoba Johsai vbc but today they were separated in groups of two and challenge each group...

Oikawa and Iwaizumi were being paired in the same group and they were challenging Mattsun and Makki

Oikawa: *tosses perfectly*

Iwaizumi: *gets the spike in*

Oikawa: *does pose* OMG IWA-CHAN WE ARE SO SWAG

Iwaizumi: yeah I agree

Makki: *laughs*

Oikawa: what's so funny?

Mattsun: do you guys even know the meaning of Swag?

Iwaizumi: well yeah its cool

Makki: whoops wrong, tell them Mattsun

Mattsun: it means Secretly We Are Gay

IwaOi: *blushing*

MatsuHana: we already know you guys are gay btw

Okay tmr is Valentine's day (well for my country rn)


There will be a special book for Valentine's day!!! XDDDDD

So pls check it out lmao

I'll probably spam lots of chapters tmr here so hah I'm sorry for not being sorry

And thanks for 5k views guyssss ^_^

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