Sweet Iwa-chan <3

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*Collage time*

Mattsun: hey come to think of it why did u like Iwaizumi anyways no offense he's my friend too but u know he's how should I say this... Rough and grumpy?

Makki: and punches u all the time

Mattsun: yeah. I always thought that you would date someone who's sweet and soft

Oikawa: Iwa-chan IS sweet and soft

Mattsun: wait wat

Oikawa: uk ever since we're young he likes to hug me until now he still does he always says that: if possible, I wanna hug u 24/7 Tooru

Makki: *Makki exe had stopped working*

Oikawa: he always hums love songs when hugging me and kisses me... He may seem to be rude to me in public but he's actually just embrassed and uk he smiles a lot at home oh god I can really die in peace

Iwaizumi: Oi Shittykawa wat r u talking about *punches Oikawa* *is blushing so hard*

Mattsun: *mindblown*

Later at Iwaoi's house...

Iwaizumi: hey Tooru, did I hurt u just now? I'm sry I just... *Hugs Oikawa*

Oikawa: hey hey Iwa-chan, its okay I'm already used to it, in a good way uk! I know you're embrassed and so its fine I know u need time

Iwaizumi: Tooru, I had lots of time already ever since we're young I just-

Oikawa: shh Hajime look, you just need somemore time alright? Don't blame yourself, its ur nature. Even if u still can't make urself being all lovely dovey with me in the next ten years or so I don't mind. You are you Hajime, we don't have to be like Karasuno's Captain and his Vice captain

Iwaizumi: *laughs* u want us to be like them? Oh wat do I deserve to get such an awesome person like u Tooru *hugs Oikawa tighter*

Oikawa: u probably saved the world my knight

Iwaizumi: maybe I did and I saved a gorgeous prince, prince Tooru

Oikawa: that sounds amazing, its like our own fairytale

Iwaizumi: yeah I like it too but I like you more

Oikawa: aww I love sweet and soft Iwa-chan

Iwaizumi: I'm always sweet and soft towards u except in public

Oikawa: no no you're also sweet and soft in public just not as much as we're alone

Iwaizumi: ...yeah

Sweet and soft Iwa-chan ٩(๑´3`๑)۶

I almost turn it into a one-shot fanfic xD I should try doing that next time AHAHA

Btw I saw this about the dangerous game "Blue Whale" on my fb, the page I followed posted this to warn us and here's the "daily tasks" they'll give once the person decided to take the 50 days challenge

According to wat they said in the post, on the 30th day to 49th day they'll make the person feel that he's not needed in this world anymore by hurting himself and so and the person will endes up commiting suicide

This is a serious thing I just wanna share with u guys so stay safe and don't do anything that can hurt yourself

Everyone of us have something inside that is beautiful, just some found it and some haven't. So don't ever think you're useless or so. If u feel like u don't have a reason to live then go find it. Its not the end of everything.

So stay safe everyone!

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