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This chapter is for TwinkleTwink :D

Tsukki has two waking up mode: grumpy ones or sleepy cuddler ones

And as for Kuroo he always wakes up early and shower Tsukki with kisses to wake him up and some tickling as well ;)

Tsukki will either roll and pushes him away or he'll sleepily cuddles into Kuroo's chest, nuzzling his nose into his collar bone
(whoops there goes Kuroo's heart ;) )

And also Kuroo hides Tsukki's glasses frm him every morning and only gives it back when he get a kiss :3

Tbh I don't really ship Kurotsuki cause Tsukiyama and Kuroken is my otps but it doesn't matter anyway

And I got hooked up on Yuri On Ice I know I know I'm so late but its all school works' fault! (ㆀ˘・з・˘)


i juz declared my love out loud didn't i aha (*´ω`*)

i love him ٩(๑´3`๑)۶

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