chapter one

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yo yo yo here's the first chapter I think this book is high key cute even tho is high key sad, also bc i like older 5sos au's the most theyre like 35 (?) in this

pls 20+ comments and check out internet boyfriends too!!


Luke and Reece's relationship was a weird one, they'd gone from co-workers to best friends to lovers then later to boyfriends.

And now, they were getting older and they wanted their own family together. So they thought it was time to start trying for a baby.

So there they were, wrapped up in their bed sheets, Reece's hands on the blonds back as Luke was panting heavily, with his palms pressed to Reece's chest and his hips moving at a fast pace. Luke whimpered, with Reece's hand sliding down to his bum. Luke groaned, his hand going back and resting on Reece's thigh, before sliding down to Reece's private parts.

But then Luke's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he felt something on Reece. He slowed down his movements to a stop making Reece open his eyes and look at Luke. "What's wrong?"

Luke picked up his hand and moved it towards Reece's area, "feel here." he said.

Reece sat up, holding Luke's back as he felt himself. Then he looked up at Luke, "um." He said softly, "okay um fuck."

Luke gripped Reece's shoulders and moved off of his boyfriend. "We can go get it checked out if you want? It's not been there before has it?"

Reece shook his head, "I've never felt that before, should we make a doctors appointment?"

Luke nodded, "yeah." Luke pouted then, "I don't want to continue tonight." He sighed.

Reece nodded, "that's fine."

Luke moved around and pulled on his boxers before handing Reece his own. Luke lay down beside his boyfriend, resting his head on his chest and wrapping his arms around Reece's waist before sighing. He then moved his head to rest his chin and looked up at Reece. "I love you."

"I love you too." Reece smiled, kissing Luke's forehead softly. "Are you okay?"

Luke nodded, "yeah, I guess, just a little worried is all."

Reece kissed him again, "I get it, but I'm sure it's nothing, sometimes there's just lumps that appear or bruises and they usually mean nothing."

Luke hummed, "okay." He rested his head back down on Reece's chest and sighed, rubbing his hand on his boyfriend's stomach.

Reece smiled then, rubbing Luke's back slowly, "let's get some sleep yeah? We have work tomorrow and Jess is coming over too."

Luke hummed, "okay."

The next morning, they got ready for the day, Reece made breakfast for them as Luke picked up the landline and made the doctors appointment. Reece had watched him do it, Luke not looking him in the eye because they were both a little worried. The two had been intimate all week and then suddenly there's a lump where there shouldn't? Luke wanted to make sure his boyfriend was okay and that it wasn't anything serious.

Then Luke hung up the phone, "Tuesday at three fifteen." Luke said, finally looking at Reece.

"I have Jess that day, I can get her from school and then we can go--"

"I don't think you should bring your daughter along to this." Luke said, "Let Rose pick her up."

Reece sighed, "okay fine." He said, before moving towards Luke and abandoning his cooking. He pulled Luke in for a hug. "We'll be okay," Reece said assuring Luke, Luke seemed more worried than Reece was, and it was the latter's body.

Luke pouted slightly, "you think it's nothing then? Am I over reacting?"

Reece shrugged, "I don't think it's gonna be something serious." He pulled away from the hug and looked at Luke. "Don't stress, you'll get wrinkles baby."

Luke smiled slightly, "I hate you, you always know what to say in these situations."

"Because I know you so well beautiful."

Luke smiled before he leant in and kissed Reece. "I love you."

"I love you too."


I didn't wanna go into a lot of detail because there are flashbacks and lots of backstory to be shown later in the book so yayyyyy

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