chapter six

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I feel like we have a mini subplot to the big plot with this pregnancy sigh

18+ comments pls guys ily


Luke was sent home for a few days before his surgery could happen, so Luke was back in his normal clothes as he got into the car with Reece. Luke sighed and put on his seatbelt, Reece doing the same. Reece put the keys in the ignition, "before we go home I wanna say something," Luke says.

Reece paused and looked at Luke, "what is it?" He asked he was beyond stressed and tired after staying in the hospital with Luke for a few days.

"We need to talk about our babies future," Luke said before he picked up his phone. "I need to call my mum."

Reece nodded to himself silently and pulled out of the car park, he felt so numb at the thought of having to discuss aborting their baby. The baby they'd tried so hard for, then this disgusting illness stops their plans but they had to do it, they couldn't risk Luke getting worse and couldn't risk hurting a growing baby through any future chemotherapy or a surgery.

Half way home, Luke hung up the phone from his parents, "they're gonna come round as soon as possible, so can we talk about this now?" Luke asked as Reece stopped at a red light.

Reece nodded, "okay."

"We should have the abortion and then we should try again when this is over, I don't wanna risk anything," Luke said, Reece, avoiding his eyes, which only made the blond sigh softly.

"O-okay." Reece answered, "I don't like it but okay, it's necessary."

The red light turned green, "I don't want to but I don't want to pit them in harm's way." Luke continued.

Reece sighed, "let's talk about this later okay?"

Luke nodded, "alright."

They got home, Luke's parents outside and waiting for them. As soon as Luke was out of the car Liz was running over to him and pulling her son into a bone crushing hug, "oh my poor little boy, I'm so so sorry Luke." Liz sobbed, peppering Luke in soft kisses.

Luke huffed her back, seeing his dad go over towards Reece who got Luke's bag of clothes from the backseat. "I'm sorry mum."

"No need to be sorry baby," his mum said, pulling away and cupping his cheeks. "It's in no way your fault."

Luke sighed, "I just feel terrible." He admitted, everyone, heading inside the house. "I'm gonna make some tea, you guys go into the living room." Luke went to the kitchen and boiled the kettle, he leant against the counter for a moment and sighed, he had cancer. He didn't know what to think. Could it get worse? What if he died? What if he could never have his baby with Reece? What if...

Luke could hear Reece in the living room, talking to his parents about something. He went closer to the doorway and heard Reece sigh: "he wants to abort the baby and I know it's the right thing to do but I can't think of anything I hate more than that. We've tried so hard and I can't just let him give it up."

Luke gulped and went back to the tea, he made the four cups and put them on a tray, before going to the living room. He put the tray down after they said thank you and stood up in front of them all, "we don't have any other choice but to have an abortion, the stress of any future chemotherapy could harm the baby or kill it, I could miscarry." Luke said, his tone flat and emotionless, he didn't like this any more than Reece did.

He saw Reece look down in shame before he wiped at his face and looked back up at Luke, "I'm sorry." Reece said softly, reaching his hand up, Luke took it and let Reece kiss his fingertips softly. "I'm sorry Luke."


Later that night, Reece stood in front of the sink as he brushed his teeth in the mirror. His heart felt heavy in his chest as he did his mundane task, but then he felt arms wrap around his waist and he flinched. He saw Luke rest his chin on his shoulder in the mirror, smiling softly. Luke kissed Reece's clothed shoulder, "I wanted to apologise, I was a bit rude and I also wanted to say I'm sorry I have to do this to you, to us."

Reece furrowed his brows and spat the foam from his mouth, "you're sorry?"

Luke nodded.

"You shouldn't be sorry, it's your body and we have to put you first, we can raise a kid together if you're too sick," Reece said, putting his toothbrush down and turning around to face Luke.

Luke sighed, running his hands across Reece's chest, "I think I'm gonna sleep in the spare room tonight." He took a step back from his boyfriend but the brunet shook his head, grabbing Luke's hands and placing them back on his chest.

"Don't, stay with me," Reece said quietly, they'd been so soft around each other today, too afraid to think about what they'd been told.

Luke raised his eyebrows, "you want to sleep next to the man who's gonna abort your baby?"

Reece couldn't help the sigh that left his mouth, he then cupped Luke's face, "Stop saying that, firstly, and it's not your fault, this all happened at a really bad time and we can do it again when you're better," Reece assured the blond, one hand now on Luke's lower back and keeping him from leaving.

"But what if-"

Reece kissed Luke then, shutting him up. Luke melted into the kiss, his hands scrunching up Reece's shirt. Reece pulled away slowly, their foreheads pressed together, "I love you." He whispered.

Luke let out a shaky breath, "I love you too."

"Let's go to bed alright? We both need the rest." Reece said, tapping Luke's back and turning him around by his shoulders. He marched Luke to bed and the two of them got under the covers. Luke shuffled as close as possible to Reece and letting him spoon him. Reece set a soft kiss to Luke's shoulder blades, whispering more I love you's before his hand settled on Luke's stomach.

Luke gulped at the touch but then he smiled softly, in the mean time, he would cherish what was supposed to be their baby and pray that they would be okay.


I want everyone to stay safe and be aware when at concerts, if we had a repeat of this one day, just try and call parents and let them know you're okay, Thank you

So, Luke's reaction to having to get an abortion?

Reece's reaction?

ily guys sm

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