chapter fifteen

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Hi sorry I haven't updated this or anything for ages I've been busy af


Luke lay up on his mums sofa, his hand was on the top of his beanie, which he wore to hide the fact he was totally bald now. "Mum, dad," Luke said.


"If I die—"

"And we'll stop right there—"

"Mum if I die, make sure everyone's wearing blue and they're playing Green Day's We Are The Waiting." Luke requested, he'd been thinking about it, about small stuff that would make his son laugh and that would make Reece do that stupid fond smile.

Liz sighed, "fine."

Luke tapped his fingers, "I wanna marry Reece now just in case."

"What?" Liz sat up, "really?" She looked at Andy, who shrugged.

"Yeah." Luke looked at his parents, "I've wanted to marry him for a long time." Luke just shrugged, "Reece said he was gonna propose once I was pregnant but it came at a bad time."

Liz smiled softly, grabbing Andrews hand, "then you better buy a ring."

"I've already looked at a few in town, we could go now?" Luke suggested.

Liz stood, "alright, let's go then." She beamed.

Liz was eager to drag her husband and son in to town, they went to a jewellery shop, looking through the rings, Luke knew Reece didn't want anything glittery but Luke still wanted people to know Reece was taken. So Luke had found a simple gold shiny ring, he smiled at it and could imagine the way it would blend against Reece's tanned skin.

His mum and dad had paid for it, as a wedding gift. "How will you ask him?" Liz asked her son as they left the shop.

"I'll find a way." Luke said, he didn't want it to be over the top and neither would Reece, not like how Michael had proposed in front of a dozen people in the busy street.

Luke went home that night, finding Reece fast asleep on the sofa after a day of work. Reece had had a mini panic attack when seeing Luke wasn't home and then reminded himself that Luke was safe at his parents for the day.

Luke smiled at the sight of his boyfriend asleep, so he toed off his shoes and then walked over and knelt down in front of Reece's face. He took the ring from the bag, then placed the box in front of him, on the edge of the sofa. "Baby." Luke said softly, reaching his hand out and playing with his hair, "baby wake up."

Reece mumbled and opened an eye, "Hey." He said tiredly. "Forgot you were at your—"

Luke nudged the box closer, giving it the attention Reece needed to see it. Reece blinked  and stared at it, then at Luke. "Fuck you Luke my ring for you was upstairs, I was gonna ask on Friday night."

Luke giggled, leaning forward and kissing Reece softly on the lips, "you wanna marry me Reece?"

Reece took the box in his hands, then opened it slowly, feeling the snap as it did. He saw the plain simple gold ring and sighed, feeling himself tear up. He looked at Luke, "I hate you yknow."

"I got bored of waiting." Luke said, "I wanna marry you soon, before stuff happens." Luke added, "just in case."

Reece frowned and stared at the ring again, "the one I got for you had diamonds in it." Reece pointed out, "and all I get is a plain gold thing, gosh you couldn't have spent more on me, I'm not a cheap hooker—"

"Way to ruin the moment." Luke laughed.

"You spoke about death first Luke." Reece grinned and sat up, he put the ring on and smiled at it softly. "It's nice, thank you."

"So is that a fat yes?"

"Yes its a yes you idiot." Reece said, he swung his legs off the sofa and let Luke shuffle between them, he cupped his face, "you're the love of my life."

"I know, you're mine too." Luke blushed, "I thought I was happy with Michael, but this doesn't even compare."

Reece cooed, kissing Luke softly, "you wanna go to bed? I need to give you your ring."

"Okay." Reece helped Luke stand and they went upstairs, sitting on the edge as Reece got the box, he then sat beside his fiancé and handed him the box. "Mine has diamonds, so suck it."

Luke laughed and opened the box, seeing a pretty delicate ring, it was silver, a line of three diamonds in it. "I love it, thank you."

Reece took it, then slid it on Luke's finger for him. "Perfect." Reece then kissed the back of his hand, "fucking love of my life, oh my god, you don't even get how much I love and adore you."

"I think I know enough."



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2019 ⏰

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