chapter eight

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Luke lay in his hospital bed in his own private room, he was waiting to be moved to the theatre to have his surgery. Reece sat beside him reading a book, he was trying to distract himself from the situation but then he couldn't when the door opened and a doctor entered.

Reece put his bookmark between the page before closing it and putting it down. His hand instantly went to Luke's, fingers entwining. The doctor smiled at them, "were gonna send you down to get prepped for surgery in a minute but first I need to ask some questions," he said, "so Firstly, last time you were here you were told you were pregnant?"

Luke nodded, "they said it'd be best to abort it, but I couldn't do it." Luke said quietly, sounding ashamed that he didn't listen to them and that he could risk his health.

The doctor nodded, "okay, it's your decision, you can't be forced."

"Thank you." Luke shared a glanced at Reece who squeezed his hand and gave him a small smile. The doctor continued with some more questions and then Luke was being wheeled away. Reece stood beside the bed, still holding Luke's hand, the blond looked at him in fear. "Can I have a kiss?"

Reece leant down and kissed Luke's forehead, then his mouth, "good luck, I'll be waiting for you."

Luke gulped, "I'll be back soon."

They left the room and Reece went the other direction towards the waiting room. He took a seat with a view of the TV, as well as the clock on the wall. The surgery wouldn't take long but when you were waiting for it to be over it felt so much longer and with Luke's life in the hands of it, it was even scarier.

Reece was sitting anxiously with his hands clasped together and leaning his chin against his fists. Then his phone began to ring loudly in his pocket and he pulled it out to see his ex-wife's name, Rose, on the screen as well as a photo of her and Jess. He pressed the green button and pressed it to his ear, "Hello?"

"Please say you're not busy right now because Jess is kicking up a damn storm and won't stop crying for you, she refuses to cooperate," Rose said sounding desperate, she had always had problems with sorting out Jess and Reece had always been the one to calm the situation because Jess and Reece were so close.

"Put Jess on the phone please," Reece said softly, hearing Jess' cries in the background. They got louder and then changed to whimpers when she was handed the phone.

"Daddy?" She cried softly.

"I'm here baby, why're you crying?" Reece said his face towards the floor.

"Please come get me, I need you." She sobbed, "please daddy."

"I can't right now," that caused more cries to ensue, "I have to stay here for Luke, you remember I said he was sick don't you?"

Jess whimpered again, "okay."

"Hand the phone to mummy and I'll sort something out okay?" Jess hummed and the phone was handed back to Rose, "bring her to the hospital and I'll meet you outside." Reece said.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I have time until Luke's out of surgery," Reece said and the conversation ended. Reece decided to walk down to the entrance of the building, getting some fresh air and checking the time it was four in the afternoon and it felt so long and exhausting. Ten minutes of waiting and Rose's car turned up and Reece stood up, smiling as Rose got out of the car, "Hey." Reece went towards the backseat, opening the door to Jess, "hey cupcake."

It's Not The Length Of Life, Its the Depth ⇝ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now