chapter two

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The couple sat at the doctors, holding hands as they waited patiently for Reece's name to be called. Then Luke's phone began to vibrate in his pocket making him let Reece's hand go and see his ex-husband's name on the screen.

Reece glanced at the phone, "go answer it." He said.

Luke sighed and stood up, "I'll be right back." He kissed Reece's cheek before going outside of the doctors, he pressed accept and pressed the phone to his ear. "Hello, Michael."

"So when are you going to actually come pick up your son." Michael snapped making Luke run his hand through his hair frustratedly.

"I'm at the doctor's, I can't talk right now, can I call you back?" Luke said, wanting to get back to Reece and be there for his boyfriend.

Michael's voice seemed to soften then, "oh what's wrong? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm here for Reece, he uh found a lump? We're just gonna get it checked out." Luke explained briefly, knowing Michael and Reece didn't particularly get along well.

"Oh." Michael mumbled, "I hope he's okay."

Luke nodded to himself, "thank you, and I'm sorry, I'll pick up Jack as soon as we're done here. Jessie will be sleeping at ours tonight too."

"Okay, I'll see you later Luke," Michael said before they hung up.

Luke went back inside to Reece, sitting down and grabbing Reece's hand. Reece smiled, "good?"

Luke nodded, "all good."

Reece's name was soon called and he stood up, still holding Luke's hand. "Come in with me, please," Reece said.

Luke hummed, "okay."

He stood up, the two of them heading to room four and knocking on the doctor's office. They were called in and Reece sat down in the chair closest to the doctor who gave them a warm smile. "So Mr Grean what can I do for you?"

Reece sat up a little bit, "the other day when me and Luke uh, intimate, he felt a lump like down there and we just wanted to get it checked out--just in case." Reece explained.

The doctor nodded, "I'm going to have to have a look if that's okay?"

Reece nodded, the tips of his ears going pink, "oh sure."

Reece stood up as did the doctor and they went to the bed, Luke watching as Reece awkwardly took off his shoes and trousers and then his boxers, laying down on the bed. He looked at Luke who sat there looking amused, holding his hand out to him, "come hold my hand," Reece said as the doctor put on some gloves.

Luke stood up and held his hand, standing by his side as the doctor made Reece spread his legs. Then he reached his hand down and touched Reece making the brunet flinch slightly, Luke laughing to himself and squeezed Reece's hand. "Oh yeah I feel it," the doctor said.

Luke rubbed his thumb over Reece's hand, "I felt it, and after my families history I just got worried." Luke said.

"How many people have had it in your family?" The doctor asked Luke.

"My dad, and uncle, both grandparents too," Luke said.

The doctor nodded, "we'll take a blood test," he said, taking off his gloves. "From both of you just in case. You can put your clothes on now."

The doctor went to his computer as Reece pulled on his clothes, Luke giving him a small smile. "How's it feel having another man touch you down there?"

Reece chuckled, "weird, only use to your hands," he said quietly. Once he was dressed he sat down again with Luke, as the doctor got the blood tests ready.

It's Not The Length Of Life, Its the Depth ⇝ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now