chapter seven

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Long chapter, vv sweet and sad and soft so pls spam comments ily ty

30+ comment pretty pls


Luke and Reece sat in the clinics waiting room, Luke was curled up in himself, his hand tightly gripping Reece's as tears fell down his cheeks. They were here to abort their baby and Luke was terrified, Luke looked around the waiting room, seeing a young girl who didn't look any older than seventeen, she looked like she just wanted to get it over with, and Luke figured he was the only person in the room who looked so disappointed to be here.

Luke's name was called and Reece stood first, "come on doll." Reece said, tugging Luke up slowly and letting the blond take his time. They slowly made their way to the room, Luke knew he would be here for just a few hours, he'd had to take a pill before hand to help the procedure go along easier, he had to take the method of having a pump being put inside of him via minor surgery and Luke was kind of terrified.

They stopped outside of the room of their doctor, Reece going to knock but Luke grabbing his hand, "wait wait." Luke said, "are we sure this is right to do?"

Reece looked at Luke in confusion, "we talked about this already, Luke, we have to."

Luke gulped and nodded, letting Reece knock on the door. The door opened and their doctor smiled at them, "welcome Luke, come take a seat on the bed."

The doctor let them in and Luke went directly to the bed, he gave their doctor a small smile. "I'm Doctor Williams, I'm gonna do an ultrasound, to check your cervix, then I'm gonna send you down to the surgical team to get you prepped."

Luke nodded, Reece, coming to his side and taking his hand in his again. Luke lay back on the bed and let the gel be put down on his stomach before the doctor turned the sonogram on pressed the probe to Luke's tummy. Luke lay back as the doctor checked everything over. "Everything seems fine." He said, "I read your file and I know why you're doing this, and I'm sorry you have to." He said.

Luke didn't say anything as he stared at the wall beside him, so Reece spoke up, "Thank you, it's a tough decision but it's the best thing right now." He said.

The doctor nodded, "my wife had to go through the same thing, she got better and we had three kids afterwards though, and I know Luke's cancer can be gone after his surgery so I'm sure in a few months you can try for a baby again."

Luke closed his eyes as they talked, waiting for the doctor to tell them to go ahead with everything. The doctor soon gave them the all clear before he grabbed a gown for Luke, "we'll head down to the surgery team and you can put this on, they'll tell you what's going to happen."

Luke nodded and put his shirt down, taking the gown. He didn't take Reece's outstretched hand as they walked down to the surgical team. Luke met the woman who would do the short procedure and gave her a small smile. It seemed everyone knew exactly why Luke was doing this, so everyone would apologise and tell him how hard it must be.

Luke's never had to do something so hard like this before today. They wouldn't understand.

Luke went into a room and put on the gown, holding his clothes in his hands as he left the small changing room. Reece took his clothes, "you okay?"

Luke nodded, "peachy."

Luke sat down on the bed, the woman, Amara giving him a smile, "so I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna do today, it will only be five or ten minutes, you'll have a small scar afterwards and that will be all the damage afterwards. I'll cut into you, going to your cervix and then I'll use the pump, using suction--"

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