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My head hurrrtsssss
Hi guys pls comment through out I'm gonna be doing dedications and stuff for whoever comments the most/first or votes first so 20++???????
Luke's legs swung beneath him as he sat on the hospital bed in a patterned gown. Reece's hand was on his back, soothing the blond's racing heart, Reece was worried for Luke, his boyfriend had been quiet the whole day, since taking Jess to Reece's ex, Rose.
Luke looked up when the door to the room opened, his eyes then met Reece's and his boyfriend smiled at him, "you'll be okay." Reece assured Luke. "Whatever happens, I'll be right here."
Luke felt himself tear up, so he quickly nodded and stood up. The nurse gave Luke a smile, "ready?" She asked. Luke nodded again, Reece standing up too as they left the room. Luke went one way to have his PET scan while Reece hovered outside the room, watching as Luke went through a door.
Reece went to the waiting room, sitting down and bringing his legs up to his chest, resting his head on his knees. He couldn't believe that Luke was here and doing this and that the possibility of Luke having cancer was real. Reece felt his phone begin to vibrate in his pocket, it was always on vibrate because of work, that and Luke had constantly said his ringtone was annoying. Apparently, Britney Spears was not Luke's taste of music.
Reece saw Luke's sons name on the screen, so he answered. "What's up, Jack?"
"Where's Dad? He's not answering my calls and I had an argument with Michael." Jack asked. Reece could hear how Jack sounded a little panicked, making him furrow his eyebrows.
"We're at the hospital, your dad turned off his phone," Reece explained, he'd seen Luke turn off his phone as soon as they'd got here.
"The hospital?" Jack asked, "what's wrong? Is dad okay?"
"He's just having some scans, he's okay." Reece said, "do you need picking up? The scans will take a while."
"Yes please, I'm in town by the McDonald's playground thing," Jack said.
"Okay, I'll be there soon, stay where you are."
Reece left the hospital, telling a nurse that if Luke was done early to say he went to pick up Luke's son. Reece drove towards town, he drove to the McDoanlds, seeing Jack was waiting outside. Reece rolled the window down, whistling to get Jacks attention, "get in kid."
Jack stood up and went around the car to the passenger seat, he climbed in and shut the door, Reece driving away. Jack had his skateboard with him so he put it down at his feet before putting on his seatbelt. "So why did you and your dad have a fight?"
"He was being so pissy and moody because of you and Dad, so I snapped and told him to get over it because Dads happier with you now."
Reece sighed, Michael didn't like it as it is, he didn't want the guy to want to murder him in his sleep. "Jack,"