chapter eleven

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Vv short oops

I high key love this pic of Luke sm


Reece sat in the waiting room of the hospital with Luke's parents, he'd told Luke they'd be getting food but Reece just had to talk to Liz and try and get her to understand the situation to help Luke.

"You get what I'm trying to say don't you?" Reece asked after explaining everything, putting emphasis on the fact that if Luke gnomes his cancer for their baby, that he would die, indefinitely.

Liz let out a shaky sigh and looked at Andrew, both sharing a look. "We can try to talk to Luke, but I think he'd just get mad."

Reece sighed, "Jack said you would be able to get through to him. I believe him."

"Fine, I'll try and talk to him." She stood up, looking down at Andrew, "Are you coming?"

Andy shook his head, "no, you should do it, he'll listen to you."

Liz then left towards her sons room, knocking before opening the door. Luke grinned when seeing his mum, "Hey." He stuck his arms out for a hug making Liz smile sweetly and hug him, sitting on the edge of the hospital bed. "Why are you here?" Luke pulled from the hug, "I told you I was fine."

"Reece told us everything and we wanted to come see you." Liz cupped Luke's face, "you do look a little pale."

"I'm fine." Luke chuckled, sitting up in the bed.

"Besides," Liz tucked Luke's hair back, "I am your mother and you're sick, I've got to look after my baby."

Luke stared at his mum for a moment, and realised Reece and his dad hadn't come in with her before glaring. "I'm not aborting the baby mum."

Liz sighed loudly, "look, I want my son alive more than another grandchild, when you get better you and Reece can try again.

"Reece set you up to this didn't he?" Luke clenched his jaw, "get him in here please." When Liz hesitated, Luke snapped. "Get him the fuck in here!"

Liz got up, leaving the room and coming back with Reece. "You got my own mother to talk me in to aborting our baby!" Luke yelled, Reece shutting the door behind him so not to bother anyone outside.

Reece stood at the end of the bed, "I want you alive, we can try again when you're better"

Luke shook his head, "no." He said simply, "my body, my decision, my baby."

"Our baby!" Reece exclaimed, "we made that baby together!"

"I don't care! If I die for my baby then so fucking be it!" Luke yelled, crossing his arms and glaring.

Reece scoffed, "so you'll leave me with our baby? To raise it with out you?"

Luke nodded, then lay down in the bed, rolling in one side so he didn't have to look at Reece. "Go away please, I want to be alone."

Reece let out an experated sigh, moving round the bed and crouching down by Luke, looking at his teary eyes, "I love you to pieces Luke and I wanna be able to marry you if you die. I was gonna propose once you were pregnant but if I marry you I want a long life with you, I want to grow old with you. I can't do that if you're dead."

Luke hesitated but then locked eyes with Reece. Reece looked like he was about to sob his heart out. Luke reached his hand forward and touched Reece's cheek, making Reece cover it with his own hand. "Please Luke?"

Luke took Reece's hand in his and pulled it to his chest, "if I do it, promise me we'll have a baby afterwards? As soon as I'm told the cancer has gone, you fuck me like there's no tomorrow and make a baby."

Reece laughed at Luke's phrasing and nodded, "of course Luke." He leant forward and kissed Luke's forehead, "thank you so much baby boy."

Luke kissed Reece's hand, "I don't wanna die."

"Me neither baby, I can't imagine a life without you." Reece said softly, kissing Luke's cheek. "We'll try all the chemo we can and get you better."

Luke nodded, "come cuddle." He shuffled back and pulled the covers back, letting Reece get in the hospital bed, then wrapping his arms around him and closing his eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too."


Luke has decided

It's Not The Length Of Life, Its the Depth ⇝ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now