chapter ten

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Hi y'all 10+ comments pls ty


Luke sat in his hospital bed with Jessie and Jack sitting with him, the little girl in his lap and his son by his feet. They were talking about school and the life at their other parents homes, Luke was glad that Jack was happy to be staying with Michael, sure he missed his son but his work put him not at home and now his illness wasn't going to be much help.

Reece watched on through the window outside in the hallway, his ex-wife was beside him. "So how did he react to the news?"

"He doesn't know yet, the doctor told me but I couldn't tell Luke myself, so I'm letting them do it. The doctor will explain it easier anyway." Reece muttered. "The cancer is everywhere."

Rose sighed, "I'm sorry Reece." She then checked her watch, "it's getting pretty late, I need to take Jess to bed soon."

Reece nodded, "alright, I'll come see her tomorrow if Luke's okay."

Rose smiled, "okay." She then opened the hospital room door, "cmon Jess, time to go,"

Jess groaned, "fine." She said, hugging Luke quickly and kissing his cheek. "See you Lu." She then hopped off the bed and took her mother's hand and left the room. Outside the room, she looked up at her dad, "hug?"

Reece grinned and leant down, hugging her tightly, "I love you okay?"

"I know, I love you too." Jess kissed his cheek and pulled away, "is Luke going to be okay? Luke said he was okay but I don't believe him because of all the wires."

Reece sighed, "we'll have to wait and see what happens, he's very sick right now but we're hoping it will get better quickly." He then kissed Jessica's forehead and smiled, "now go on home to bed baby, I'll see you soon."

Jess smiled before she left with her mum.

In the hospital room, after Jess had left, Jack leant his head against his dads shoulder. "Are you okay dad?"

Luke squeezed his waist, "I'm waiting to be told bud."

"If you're not okay, what happens?" Jack questioned.

"Whatever happens I'll still be around the abbot and embarrass you." Luke grinned.

Jack smiled, "good." He hugged Luke tightly, then the door opened and in walked Reece with the doctor. Reece sat down in the chair by the bed, grabbing a hold of Luke's hand tightly. Reece knew what was coming.

"Hey Jack." Luke said, "do you wanna go wait outside please?"

Jack nodded and got up, he left the room. Reece then moved closer to Luke, holding the blond's hand to his cheek. They both looked to the doctor, who sighed softly and took out a scan from the folder he was carrying. He put it up on the light box, before pointing to it, "you have a few tumours, some in your lungs, one next to your heart, one in your liver. They're all rather large and in complicated places."

Luke gulped, "how bad is it?"

"You will have to have chemo to make the rumours smaller so we can get to them."

"Chemo will hurt my baby won't it?" Once the doctor nodded Luke shook his head. "Then no, not yet, I want to wait till after the birth to have chemo."

Reece sighed, "Luke please, put yourself first just this one time."

Luke looked at Reece, "I'm not getting rid of our baby."

Reece teared up, "I will not risk you dying over our unborn baby, it's not even that big, just give it up please, for me. I need you around."

Luke stared at his boyfriend for a few long seconds, then looked down at the IV tube coming out of his hand, "can I be alone please, just for a little bit, I need to think." Luke said softly.

Reece stood, kissing Luke's hand before he left the room with the doctor. Reece leant against the wall and let out a dry sob, sliding down the wall to sit. "What's wrong?" Reece looked up to see Jack. "Is it bad news?"

Reece sighed, wiping his face, "your dads a bloody idiot."

"I knew that already." Jack scoffed. "So it's bad then?"

Reece nodded, "it will get worse if your dad doesn't abort the baby." Reece said truthfully.

"Dad loves kids he wouldn't do it, he's wanted another kid for years."

"Exactly." Reece said.

Jack then said, "If you want someone to persuade him, get grandma Liz, she'll tell him."

Reece wipes his face again, before he held out his arms, "come here kid." He said, Jack moving to sit beside him and letting Reece hug him. They sat there for a few seconds before Michael rounded the corner to where they sat.

Michael saw the look on Reece's face, making his stomach drop. He walked towards them, "no, no, it's bad isn't it?"

Reece nodded softly, "I'm sorry."

Michael quickly entered the hospital room, making Reece stand up to watch Michael hug Luke tightly and watching them both break in to tears.

Jack stood beside Reece and watched his parents cry. He looked up at Reece to see he looked a little heart broke. Reece then spoke, "dad may not love Dad anymore but he'd still walk across water for him."

Jack sighed, "yeah, they were always best friends too."

"Me and Luke will never have what them two had." Reece admitted.

Jack looked at Reece and frowned, "dad loves you so much, he wouldn't go back to dad." He then hugged Reece again, "I consider you my dad too y'know, you're pretty cool."

Reece smiled, "thanks bud."


Luke ain't okay yall it's a sad life

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