Chapter Eleven

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"I'm just really tired,"

Lauren rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling, unable to sleep. She glanced at the smaller girl laying next to her and was thankful that she was asleep and not in discomfort. For the life of her, she simply couldn't figure out what had caused Camila's stomach pains but at least she had her doctors appointment.

Lauren strained her eyes to look at the clock on the wall and sighed when she knew she wasn't able to get back to sleep anytime soon.


Lauren slowly pulled the covers back and crept out of bed, being careful not to wake Camila. The emerald eyed girl placed a kiss on Camila's forehead then pulled the covers up to her shoulders before quietly leaving the room.

She decided to do something she hadn't done in a while, and that was painting.

She hadn't had much time to paint since she started her courses but it was still something she enjoyed to do. Lauren walked into her room which she doesn't really use much seeing as she normally slept in Camila's room but it was where she kept most of her stuff.

The porcelain skinned girl pulled out a canvas and a set of her watercolours along with brushes and a small pot for water. She carried everything in her arms into the living room, being extra careful so she didn't end up tripping on anything.

She let out a sigh of relief once she had transported everything safely and had it all setup, but now she just had to decide on what she wanted to paint. Of course her thoughts were flooded with the younger girl but she already had tons of her and wanted to do something that was different to her others.

But of course it ended up being about her Camz.

Lauren dipped the end of her brush into the water to make the bristles wet then trailed it through the black paint. Her mind had a vivid image of Camila printed there.

She remembered it from one evening where the younger girl had suggested they go out for a bit, because as per usual, Lauren was pushing herself to much and forgetting that she had to let herself breath once in a while.

Lauren giggled as she remembered the effort it took for Camila to get her to go out as she was so adamant on adding more touches to her work but the second that Camila pouted and widened her eyes with the cutest puppy face, she knew she was going out.

They weren't going anywhere special, but just for a walk and to get out of their apartment for a bit. As Lauren recalled the memory of the two of them walking hand in hand in their own world, her hand elegantly moved the brush in long and gentle strokes across her canvas.

She didn't know how long they had been walking but they ended up in a park at the top of a hill, just as the sun was beginning to set. There was a gentle breeze making the shadows of the trees wave. The pinks and oranges of the sky reminded Lauren of one of her old paintings. Everything was peaceful and she had the love of her life next to her.

Lauren smiled as she remembered saying Camila's name quietly but didn't get a response because the younger girl was so enamoured by the sky in front of her. "Camz, baby," Lauren whispered to herself as she added the delicate strokes of her hair.

And if Lauren didn't think she could fall in love with Camila anymore, boy was she wrong. Because when Camila turned to look at her, Lauren's breath literally got caught in her throat, hair lightly toussled from the wind, lips slightly parted, eyes glimmering, Lauren could've proposed right there on the spot and even now, Camila's beauty still captures Lauren in a trance of wonder.

Lauren stepped back from the canvas and even though the painting was only in black and white, she swore it was one of the best ones she had ever done. She flipped the canvas over and wrote the date along with her signature. Just as she finished the flick of the "i on her signature, Lauren felt arms slide around her waist.

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