Chapter 17

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  "Well come here then,"  

With great confidence in herself, Lauren parked her car and got out, her hair gently blowing in the breeze. She looked up at Sledgehammer Studios, none of the nerves she had experienced with Reflection present. She looked down at her outfit that Camila had chosen for her the night before and she had never been more thankful for her fiancée. She wore light blue, high-waisted jeans with a black and white patterned crop top with her black leather jacket and of course her hair was out in natural waves. Her day had basically started the same as the day before apart from her stressing out on what to wear but she still called Camila at work, just to hear her voice.

The interview was very similar to the one at Reflection however with Beccy, she didn't seem as open and didn't really seem that she wanted Lauren to be there but Lauren still tried to sell herself as best as she could. Beccy was quite small with bright blue eyes and light blonde hair and Lauren was certain that she didn't see her crack a smile, not even a small one. She was also quite rude to her staff, rolling her eyes and barking orders. Even though Lauren wasn't too keen on working in this place, she still tried her hardest to be liked. She needed at least a tiny bit of validation. 

As Lauren finished her interview, she was feeling fairly proud of herself but the lack of enthusiasm from Beccy didn't really shoot her hopes up. She left the building, not too fussed with the outcome and made her way back home, humming along to the radio as she went. When she got home, she expected Malin to run up to her and start yapping, but he didn't. Slightly confused, she walked over to his dog basket which was empty. 

"Malin!" She called out, and walked towards Camila's bedroom as that's where he usually goes if not his bed. The door was shut so there was no way that he would be able to get inside her room but nevertheless, Lauren opened the door.

"Oh," She whispered in surprise when she saw Camila curled up on the bed on top of the covers in just one of Lauren's t-shirts with Malin in a ball next to her feet. Lauren took her shoes off and quietly sat down on the bed next to Camila and gently rubbed the younger girls legs. "Camz," She whispered and leaned down to kiss Camila's forehead. Camila jumped a tiny bit but kept her eyes closed. 

"Hm,"Camila mumbled with her eyebrows furrowed together. She reached forward and Lauren put her hand by Camila's and the younger girl latched onto Lauren's hands which made her heart flutter at how cute sleepy Camila is. "Lauren?" She whispered as she slowly opened her eyes.

"Hi baby," Lauren murmured and pulled Camila's hands up to kiss. "Why are you home?" She asked as she slid onto the bed and pulled the younger girl onto her lap. 

"I just felt really down and my stomach was hurting as well," Camila said in a small voice as she tightened her grip on Lauren's hands. "It's not too bad now but I just wanted to be home. I missed you," Lauren rested her head on top of Camila's and got comfortable.

"Do you need anything?" 

"Cuddles and kisses," Camila replied in a small voice.

"You know I could never deny that," Lauren smiled as she pulled Camila closer to her then started littering the younger girls face with kisses. "Like this?" She asked as she slowed the kisses down, making them more sensual. 

"Mhm," Camila mumbled before turning her head and capturing Lauren's lips in hers. "Better," She added as she shifted her position so she was now straddling Lauren's lap. Camila placed one hand at the back of Lauren's neck and played with the small hairs there, tugging lightly so Lauren's mouth opened in response. Camila happily entered Lauren's mouth and carried on kissing her as Lauren's hands stroked up and down her waist. Lauren's hands then slowly traveled up under Camila's top until she grabbed the younger girls boobs, happy that she wasn't wearing a bra. Camila bit down on Lauren's lip softly at the feeling of Lauren's cold hands on her skin. They continued kissing for a couple of minutes, Lauren kneading Camila's breasts softly. She lightly pinched her nipples but instead of Camila leting out a gentle moan like she had expected, the younger girl stopped kissing Lauren.

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