Chapter Three

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"We have a plane to catch,"

"Flight 303 to London now boarding," The voice boomed out over the loudspeaker.

"That's us," Lauren smiled, standing up while Camila had her attention focused on the much larger than usual Cadbury chocolate bar in her hand, something Lauren couldn't resist buying for her. "Bye then," Lauren said, grabbing her carry on and heading to the gates. She looked back at Camila who had just realised where her fiancée was and jumped up to join her.

"How kind of you to join me," Lauren said, and Camila lazily leaned into her.

"I think I've already eaten too much... and I'm tired," Camila mumbled quietly, holding out the packet which was significantly lighter compared to ten minutes ago.

"You'll be able to sleep on the plane," Lauren said, holding her sleepy fianceé against her side as they followed the queue and made their way to board the plane. One giant window lined the wall, framing the runway and the plane that lay in wait.

Their seats were four rows from the back and Camila was quick to settle into the window seat. Air hostesses dressed in red outfits paraded the aisle with arms waving and Camila pulled Lauren closer to her when one air hostess looked at the emerald eyed girl a bit too long for Camila's liking. Once the hostesses has returned to their stations, Camila began to drift off.

A couple hours later, Camila woke up with a crick in her neck and a shooting pain darting through her legs. When she sat up, her back cracked slightly and she winced, then realised she was 30 000 feet up in the air. She felt heavier but it was just Lauren who was fast asleep on her shoulder with an arm drapes over her stomach.

She looked so peaceful.

Almost too peaceful.

"Lauren," Camila mumbled quietly, shifting her arm slightly in an attempt to wake to the green eyed girl. "Laur," Camila said a bit louder, placing her hand on Lauren's arm and shaking her lightly.

Still nothing.

"Come on babe, this isn't funny," Camila said but it was clear that panic was begin to stream through her body. Camila lifted Lauren's head up and placed two fingers on her neck, she held them down and moved them around, her hands beginning to shake.

No pulse.

"She's not breathing. She's not breathing!" Camila screamed and jumped up, calling for the air hostesses who all crowded around the lifeless woman while the other passengers craned their necks to see what was happening. Tears began to fill Camila's brown eyes and before she could stop them, they were streaming down her face.

"Please do something," Camila begged, trying to control her breathing but she couldn't without Lauren holding her hand and soothing her.

"We're sorry ma'am but we won't be able to offer the medical help your..."


"Your fianceé needs until we arrive in London. There's no time to schedule a lay over," The hostess paused for a moment. "Is anyone here a doctor?!" She called and every second that went by, Camila could feel a piece of her slipping away, parts of her soul deteriorating.

The room was met with murmurs and Camila dropped to her knees by Lauren's legs and begged for her to open her eyes when an idea popped into her head, just like in the movies. Mouth to mouth. Camila took a  deep breath then pushed herself up and positioned her hands on Lauren's chest. She placed her lips against the pale skinned girl and shivered at the contact, they were still warm.  She didn't even know what she was actually meant to do but everything was blurred and all she could focus on was her lifeless soulmate in front of her.

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