Chapter Nine

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"You and me forever,"

* Three weeks later *

Lauren groaned at the sudden disturbance on their bed, the rushed movements of her fianceé jolting her awake. "Babe?" Lauren called out as a blinding light from the hallway shone into the room. There was no reply however when Lauren heard Camila coughing and breathing deeply, she shot out of bed and raced to the bathroom where Camila was slumped on the floor, her forearms pressed against the toilet to support her weight as her head hung over the bowel.

Lauren dropped down to her own knees and pulled Camila's hair back away from her face, running her fingers through it to hopefully comfort the younger girl in a way.

"Are you okay?" Lauren asked softly once Camila had regulated her breathing and had fallen back into Lauren's hold.

"Yeah, I just felt kind of sick suddenly," She mumbled, letting out a shaky sigh.

"Okay, let me get you some water," Lauren said, kissing the top of Camila's head but the younger Latina flinched at her touch. With a sad smile, Lauren walked out of the bathroom. Camila pulled herself up and studied her reflection in the mirror. You could tell that she was tired. Her skin didn't seem as vibrant and she had very noticeable eye bags. She was brushing her teeth when Lauren appeared back at the doorway with a glass of water and gave Camila a small smile.

"Do you wanna go back to sleep for a bit?" The older girl asked as she watched Camila quickly down the water.

"Um, what time is it?" She asked as she sat the glass down.

"Coming up to six," Lauren replied, taking hold of the younger girls hand which Camila hesitantly held onto.

"Maybe for a bit. We don't have plans today right?" The brown eyed girl asked as she settled back down on the bed and tugged Lauren next to her.

"Not that I know of," Lauren said, laying on her side and moving some of Camila's hair from her face. "Unless you want to do something," She added as she pulled the covers up.

"I think I'd like to stay home today," Camila said quietly, turning to face Lauren. "If that's okay," She reached for Lauren's hand under the cover and laced their fingers together.

"Of course it's okay but I will need to do some more job searching though because I have the qualifications but now need the job," Lauren said which Camila slowly nodded her head to.

"I love you," Camila whispered, surprising Lauren by giving her a gentle kiss, her hand cupping the older girls face as she stroked the skin lovingly.

"I love you too,"  Lauren replied, a large smile on her face. "So much," She whispered as she pulled Camila closer to her and they both eventually fell asleep again.

Camila woke up a few hours later but was met with empty sheets instead of her fianceé's figure. Sighing, something that she had done a lot of lately, Camila pulled herself up and walked through their apartment, her eyes still partially sleepy.

"I wanted to cuddle," Camila pouted from the door when she saw Lauren sitting on the sofa with the laptop on her lap and a bottle of water next to her legs that were curled up beneath her. She was wearing an oversized burgundy t-shirt and small shorts that were barely noticeable, and the glasses perched at the edge of her nose made Camila's heart swell at her beautiful fianceé.

"Ven aqui entonces," Lauren said, moving the laptop and her glasses onto the coffee table then holding her arms out for Camila. The younger girl didn't waste any time in curling up next to Lauren, her head nestled on the emerald eyed girls chest. "How was the rest of your sleep?" Lauren asked, letting her arms hang over Camila's waist.

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