Chapter Four

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"I really do,"

Camila groaned as her senses came to and she could make out the shape of the top of Lauren's head in between her legs.

What a way to wake up.

"Fuck, Lauren," Camila groaned, her voice rough and raspy with sleep.

"Good morning princess," Lauren mumbled, reaching up to find Camila's hand, lacing their fingers together while the other hand latched under her thigh. The younger girl tightened her grip on Lauren's hand and the other laid across her face in pure bliss.

Lauren slid her tongue up and down Camila's slick folds, making her whole body writhe at the sensation. Lauren's tongue took care of tasting every little bit of her sex as Camila pushed her head backwards into the pillows. The emerald eyed girl suddenly squeezed the round flesh of Camila's behind, leaving visible red marks. 

The younger girl then started to rock her body forward in want, forcing her centre against Lauren's tongue. Lauren ran her tongue incessantly on Camila's bundle of nerves, impossible for Camila not to react, choked moans filtrating the room. 

Lauren sucked with so much want and before she knew it, Camila was falling apart above, spirals of curse words and her lovers name tumbling from her lips. Lauren lapped up her juices then pressed a tender kiss against her sensitive centre before crawling back up the bed to smooth out the brown eyed girls hair. 

"Morning," Lauren spoke in a raspy tone, waiting for Camila to open her eyes, and very slowly, Camila's eyes fluttered open to reveal her dreamy brown orbs that Lauren was so very in love with. "You look so beautiful," Lauren whispered, pulling the younger girl into her as her breathing regulated. Camila struggled to formulate words so sighed in contentment and let herself breath in her safety net in form of a human.

"Did you sleep well?" Lauren asked quietly as she combed her fingers through Camila's hair, knowing that the younger girl found the gesture relaxing.

Camila hummed in response, her eye lids beginning to droop ever so slightly.

"You wanna sleep some more?"

Again Camila hummed quietly in response, shifting so that she was situated further down the bed.

"Babe?" Lauren asked into the quiet room.

"Hm?" Camila mumbled, turning so she could face the older girl.

"How much did you sleep last night?" Lauren asked, concern layering her voice. The brown eyed girl swallowed and avoided eye contact, she chewed on her bottom lip which gave Lauren all the answers. "Baby I've told you, if you have a nightmare or simply can't sleep, please wake me up," The emerald eyed girl said sincerely, searching for Camila's hands to take hold of.

"But I don't want to be a burden and you look so peaceful when you sleep, I wouldn't want to disturb you," Camila exclaimed, still keeping her eyes trained on the covers.

"That doesn't matter, baby," Lauren spoke, dipping her head down to look into Camila's eyes. "I want to be able to hold you and tell you that it's all going to be okay. So next time, though I hope it won't be soon, wake me up," Lauren concluded, sealing what she had just said with a gentle kiss.

"Okay," Camila said quietly as she wrapped her arms around the older girls waist and buried her face in the crook of her neck, placing a gentle kiss there. "I love you," She added as the essence of sleep consumed her tanned body, taking her into dream land.

"I love you too," Lauren whispered, not feeling sleepy but enjoying the feeling of holding the younger girl in her arms, taking it as her responsibility to keep her safe.

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