Chapter Six

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*Trigger warning

"Somewhere you're not,"

It had been two hours since Camila had hung up the phone and Lauren was lost with herself, cursing Lucy and herself for going in the first place.

Lauren had sent multiple texts to Camila, begging to know of her whereabouts, telling her that she loves her so much and can't wait to marry her. And the tears just hadn't stopped falling.

Lauren lay on the bed, running her thumb over the ring and wondering how they went from the happiest couple in the world to the saddest, when her phone buzzed next to her. She dived on top of the small device and opened her chat with Camila, her heart shattering even more.

Camz🙊💕: I need some time

Lauren looked down at her hands that seemed to blur, no way that she could stop the onslaught of tears from streaming down her face from her tired eyes.

"Camila, I'm sorry," Lauren whispered, her head hanging down, her silent sobs the only sound filling the room. "I'm so, so sorry," She cried, dropping onto her knees and letting her hair fall over her face, no way to stop the onslaught of tears from falling.

Lauren just wanted to know that Camila was safe. The thought of her outside in the cold, not sure of where to go made her heart twist. All she wanted was to hold the love of her life in her arms again and drift off to sleep with peace of mind, but instead she was on the floor, crying her eyes out.

She hated herself for letting this happen and she swore that she would never be the reason that Camila would cry. She let her down.


Camila let out a long sigh as she collapsed on a bench in a park, tired of crying. The hotels she had been to had either all been booked or only had the most expensive rooms available, something that she couldn't afford and also wouldn't be able to enjoy without a certain emerald eyed girl there with her.

The Latina tried to ignore the cold nipping at her finger tips, biting at her toes through the canvas of her trainers. She tried to ignore the throbbing pain in her head and the aching in her heart. She just needed something to numb the pain... But she had promised Lauren that she wouldn't again.

But then again, the older girl had promised that she would never be the reason that Camila would cry and here she was in London, one of her favourite cities, at night with tear filled eyes.

Camila stared at the ground and drew circles with her foot, contemplating her next move. Go back to Lauren, carry on searching for a place to stay or remain on the park bench. 

Even just thinking of the older girls name brought new tears to her eyes, images flashing and replaying in her mind, they wouldn't subside.

"I fucking hate this," Camila muttered, rubbing her sore eyes and kicking the ground again. Begrudgingly, Camila grabbed her bag and began walking back towards the hotel, there might even be another room available there and at least she would be able to sleep somewhere warm, even if it was within close distance to Lauren.

The walk back seemed to take forever, her legs numbing with every step she took. Her hands were shaking and even if she buried them deep into her pockets, the cold air still nipped her slender fingers.

Finally, the road that the hotel was on came into sight, but a small pub at the end of the road caught her attention. Now, Camila wasn't one to drink her problems away, but one or two couldn't possibly hurt her.

The difference in temperature made the decision of entering the pub the best decision she had made. Her body was instantly filled with warmth, and she let out a relieved sigh knowing that she wasn't going to freeze to death.

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