Chapter 3

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*Your POV*
I was getting ready for school while listening to F/N talk about how amazing the concert was. "Sounds like you had a blast!" I say as I put the phone back into the table. It was my second time hearing her talk about how amazing the concert but she has no trouble telling me time and time again. "OK F\N I would love to talk more but I am at work now so I have to go." I say gently and she sighs. "OK I am sorry for keeping you so long. I didn't meant to, an please be honest did I tell you all this already?" She asks sounding guilty and I sigh. "Yes but it is ok. I love hearing you talk about the things you love." I say and I hear her sigh. "Thanks Y\N I'll Talk to you later Ya?" She asks and I laugh. "Sure I will call you after school." She laughs and hangs up. I walk out to my car and drive to the school. When I get there I see three short, dark haired boys standing in a circle by my room door. "Hello boys what can I do for you?" I ask with a smile and they jump and slowly turn around. "Ms. L\N! We were just here waiting for you. We kinda need a place to hide." They carefully explain and I nod opening my door. They rush in and I follow slowly. "Boys what happened to your face?" I ask and they all flinch as they turn around faces covered in bruises. "Well we had a little tangle with Anthony..." They start. I hold a hand up. "Alright that's all I need to hear thank you David. Please sit down boys. "Wait Ms.L\N It was because we didn't do his paper for him." The shortest starts. "Are you sure Steven? Jack any comment?" I ask as they shrink into a little group as the room starts to fill with students. "yes I am sure Thanks for the save this morning Ms.L\N." "No problem this is always a safe place for anyone. If you ever to need me to come in early please let me know." I say and for the first time in a long time they smile. "Thanks." They say somehow in perfect harmony and go and sit down. I shake my head and wait for the last few stragglers. One of which was Anthony. "Anthony Hillmer, how wonderful of you to join us."  I say with sarcasm in my voice. "Sorry Ms. L\N but I had something to take care of." He says with a smirk and I frown but nod. "Alright take your seat." I say and turn towards the board. "Alright first you are going to take out your notebooks and copy the board."

*Avi POV*

"Hey Kev. I have a question. Why do I like this book? I mean I am a guy and I don't think that guys are supposed to like these things." I say confused and Kevin glares. "Ok First off, anyone can like romance books, and second its probably because its good, or you like the author." Kevin says with a shrug. "OK thanks Kevin." I say and get ready to read again when I hear Kirstie scream. I take off towards the back to Kirstie's room, on our tour bus. "I can't believe it Esther! Shes gonna have a signing and we can't go to it!" Kirstie is yelling and I am confused as to who they are talking about. "Hey maybe I can talk to Genevieve about heading out that way?" I hear Esther ask. "Fine. Please do." I hear Kirstie ask and the door flies open and Esther comes flying through. I just had enough time to jump out of the way and Esther power walks to the front of the bus. I peak into Kirsties room and see that she is staring at her phone. "Hey what are you looking at?" I ask and she glares at me. "Abby Stars is having a signing and meet and greet! We have to go to it!!!" She yells and I back away very slowly. I turn around and run back to the couch and begin to read again 'I don't know if  I am ready to meet her again. Does she even remember me?' 

*Your POV*

"Alright everybody hand in your essays and have a nice day." I say as I start to erase the board. "Uh Mrs.L/N i don't have mine." "Well Anthony I have to talk to you then." I say and motion to the desk in front of my desk. "Yes Ms.L\N." He says as he sits down the others just finish filling out and the last one to leave is Mr.Borg. "I look forward to your paper Mr. Borg. Have a nice day." I say as he lays his paper on top of the pile. "Now Mr. Hillmer, I understand that you are having problems completing you assignments." I say and he smirks. "You could say that." He says and I frown. "Would you happen to know anything about why Mr. Fergus, Mr. Bettin, or Mr. Rabbe came to class supporting bruises covering their faces?" I ask and his smirk falls. "I don't know Ms.L\N. Maybe they started a fight?" He asks and I smile. "A fight huh? Part of the choir group, started a fight, And with whom?" I ask and he smiles. "Maybe Collin?" He says but it sounds more like a question. "Ah and it wouldn't happen to have been you?" I ask and he looks at me shocked. "How?" "I may not be as blind as everyone thinks I am." I say and walk back to the board. "Mr. Anderson I am going to let you off with a warning. If I hear of this again, there will be dire consequences." I say and walk back to my desk. "You are free to go at any time. Oh and please bring your essay in tomorrow for particle credit." I say and he nods and runs out of the room. I pick up the papers only for one name to catch my eye. 'Avi Kaplan the bass of the group.....Could it be?'

Hey everyone another chapter completed and I hope you enjoyed. I will update as soon as I can. Thanks for reading and remember I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!


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